[Colorado-talk] gmail problems

Amy Sabo amylsabo at comcast.net
Fri Jul 28 01:59:28 UTC 2017

hello all,
I hope that you are all doing well and, all of your summers are going
well! well, I have a problem and, I need some advice. for the past 2-3
months I have been sending messages to my friends in my contacts
through the gmail web mail server on google.com and, I check my email
through it many times and, I also check both the inbox and the spam
folders for it and, I get nothing! I have tried loading outlook onto
my laptop with any success! so, what should I do should I continue
using the gmail webmail version on google or try to load outlook onto
my laptop? if any of you have any ideas, suggestions, or help I would
greatly appreciate it! you can also email me off the list at
amieelsabo at gmail.com so, we don't clutter the list... thanks again
and, I will talk to you all soon!


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