[Colorado-talk] Career and College Seminar Agenda

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 18:40:02 UTC 2017

Dan Burke
My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

Here's the tentative agenda posted below - come one, come all!

Colorado Center for the Blind


Career and College Seminar

Friday, March 10, 2017
9:00 am to 3:00 pm

At the Colorado Center for the Blind
2233 West Shepperd Avenue
Littleton, Colorado 80120

Lunch will be provided.  To reserve your lunch, please RSVP no later
than March 6th to Monique Melton at mmelton at cocenter.org or
303-778-1130 extension 221.

Don’t miss the keynote address:
“Trends in Employment – The Future Has Arrived”
presented by Alexandra Hall.

In January 2016 Alexandra Hall was appointed to the Senior Executive
Service of the State of Colorado as Director of the Division of Labor
Standards and Statistics. As Division Director, Alex oversees
administration of Colorado’s wage and hour and workplace conditions
laws, Labor Peace Act, and the state’s contribution to the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics economic series on Colorado labor markets. She
also serves as the chief economist of the Colorado Department of Labor
and Employment, a role she has held since May 2002.

Exhibitors and Presenters

AECOM-Engineering, Design, Construction, Management
Jeff Douglas, Recruiter

Arapahoe Community College
Amanda Johnson, Accommodations Specialist, Access Center

Arapahoe Douglas Workforce Center

Blind Institute of Technology
Michael Hess, Owner

Blindness Technology Training
Paul Sandoval, Owner

Colorado Association of Blind Students
Anna Givens, President

Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Laverne Dell, Supervisor, Blind and Low Vision Services Unit

Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation-Business Enterprise Program
Dan Whalen, Manager, Blind and Low Vision Services Unit

Aurora Warner, Recruiting Business Partner

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Patricia McMahon, Outreach and Education Coordinator
Exhibitors and Presenters (continued)

Inverness Hotel and Conference Center
Erin Wilkerson, Director of Destination Services and Emily Friedhoff,
People Services Manager

KNFB Reading Technologies

Learning Ally
Michael Turner, Regional Director of Community Development


School of Piano Technology for the Blind
Don Mitchell, Director of Instruction

Kelly Egan, Customer Relations Manager, Blind/Low Vision Outreach

Team EEI
Brenda Mosby

University of Colorado at Denver
Glenda Nash-Buscarello, Coordinator, Disability Resources and Services

Verizon Wireless

Career and College Seminar
9:00 am	Registration

10:00 am	Welcome:  Diane McGeorge, Chair of the Board of Directors,
Colorado Center for the Blind

10:10 am 	Keynote address: “Trends in Employment – The Future Has Arrived”,
Alexandra Hall, Director of the Division of Labor Standards and
Statistics, Senior Executive Service of the State of Colorado

11:00 am	Lunch and exhibits

1:00 pm	Breakout sessions (1-2 pm)
1.	Getting started; working with the Colorado Division of Vocational
2.	The Business Enterprise Program; what does it take to be a success?
3.	Working for the federal government; how to apply and obtain the job.
4.	Using workforce centers along with online resources and social
media to find your job.
5.	Competing in college on a level playing field.
6.	Effective networking; handling meetings and large groups of people and more.

2:00 pm	Breakout sessions (2-3 pm)
1.	How about a career in piano tuning?
2.	What exactly is an IPE and how do I choose my vocational goal and
get the services I need?  Colorado Division of Vocational
3.	The application process; how to get into the college or university
of your choice.
4.	Effective networking; handling meetings and large groups of people and more.
5.	Getting your job through the interview process-discussion and practice.
6.	Using workforce centers along with online resources and social
media to find your job.

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