[Colorado-talk] Announcement: Public Hearing and Public Comment Period for [Colorado Springs] City's Citizen Participation Plan

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Fri Mar 3 18:09:52 UTC 2017

This opportunity for community input is not
blindness specific. However, I believe such input
opportunities would benefit from being shocked by
the amount of participation by those who are blind
that NFB members could give -- on the growth and
future of any city in America. I urge anyone on
this list living in the Colorado Springs region to
- please! - give input and show participation.
Give input in regards to accessibility, sidewalks,
job opportunities, transportation issues, whatever
you are concernd with. Just, please, give input!
Let's show them that there are definitely blind
citizens who are just as concerned as any other
citizen, about the future of our cities. 
The details on this input opportunity are below. 
Strive On!
(PS - Thanks Jeanette, for forwarding this to me.
----- original message ----- 
From: Duarte, Catherine
[mailto:cduarte at springsgov.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2017 3:38 PM
Subject: Announcement: Public Hearing and Public
Comment Period for City's Citizen Participation
Good afternoon!
The City of Colorado Springs Community Development
Division has updated its Citizen Participation
Plan and is holding a 30-day comment period for
public review of the Plan. 
Starting today through March 31, the public is
welcome to review the Plan (online and at various
locations around the city) and submit comments via
phone, email, or mail. CDD will conduct a public
hearing on March 8, 2017 at 3:00 PM at the
Independence Center, 729 S.
<https://goo.gl/maps/6bHpSYPDb6B2> Tejon St.,
Colorado Springs, CO 80903 to discuss the changes
to the Citizen Participation Plan. All are welcome
to attend. English and Spanish flyers for the
event are attached here; feel free to print and
post around your community!
For copies of the updated Citizen Participation
Plan in English and Spanish, please visit our
Catherine Duarte, AICP
Analyst II, Community Development
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-6876 office
cduarte at springsgov.com
<mailto:cduarte at springsgov.com> 
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