[Colorado-talk] Fighting hunger pains during state convention

Jd Holcomb jdholcomb79 at icloud.com
Sun Oct 22 17:55:07 UTC 2017

Are you planning on attending the NFB state convention in Fort Collins?
This 2017 state convention is gearing up to be one of the most exciting ever, so many activities and events you don’t want to miss a single minute.
 Do those pesky hunger pains have you in the middle of meetings out looking for a snack? While you were away you could very well miss the most exciting thing that happened at state convention!
Don’t fret, the Colorado Center for the Blind  Student Association has you covered with a snack bag that will satisfy any hunger pains!
Snack bags will be on sale starting Thursday morning at the CCB for those of you who are taking the shuttle. Snack bags also will  be sold at state convention by members of the  student Association. But don’t wait, supplies are limited.
Bags include: one bottle of water, one bag Lays potato chips 1.5 ounce, that’s the bigger bag because the only thing better than a few is even more!, trail mix, and gummy fruit snacks May not contain any actual fruit but they sure do taste good. Napkin also included. Two bags contain and one extra item be the lucky one to get that back!
Prices are five dollars a bag. Want to get a bag for yourself and for a few friends, five bags are on sale for $20.
Looking forward to a great 2017 NFB state convention!

Best Regards,
Jedediah Holcomb
Colorado Center for the Blind Student Association President
jholcomb at cocenter.org  

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