[Colorado-talk] Fwd: SHARE WIDELY: National Federation of the Blind Is Seeking to Support DREAMers

Gary Van Dorn garyvdrn at msn.com
Sun Sep 17 21:59:48 UTC 2017

Colorado has a large Spanish Speaking, and Hispanic, population whose presence makes our lives far more wealthy through their social, economic and physical presence.  The below E-mail is sent to Colorado Talk in the hope it will reach Dreamers, or those who know of blind Dreamers, that will benefit from the below survey.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Kane Brolin <kbrolin65 at gmail.com<mailto:kbrolin65 at gmail.com>>
Subject: Fwd: SHARE WIDELY: National Federation of the Blind Is Seeking to Support DREAMers
Date: 16 September 2017 at 19:48:10 MDT
To: Cesar Pincheira <cepincheira at msn.com<mailto:cepincheira at msn.com>>, Jeanette Shown <jlshown at goshen.edu<mailto:jlshown at goshen.edu>>, JW Smith <SmithJ at ohio.edu<mailto:SmithJ at ohio.edu>>, Alexis Padilla <apadilladiv at gmail.com<mailto:apadilladiv at gmail.com>>, Gary Van Dorn <garyvdrn at msn.com<mailto:garyvdrn at msn.com>>, Christine Boone <ChristineBoone2 at gmail.com<mailto:ChristineBoone2 at gmail.com>>

Hello, Cesar, Jeanette, JW, Alexis, Gary, and Christine.

The National Federation of the Blind tends to stay away from partisan
politics as a matter of policy.  Yet the recent presidents of the
Federation (when they have discussed their private political
leanings--including the late Dr. Jernigan) tend to lean Republican.

Considering these factors, I think it is extremely worth noting that
President Riccobono and others in national leadership are extremely
concerned about those who are blind and who have been or might be
identified as affected by DACA, and they really are interested in
helping to protect and serve these folks--first by gathering data to
understand the extent of the situation as it impacts blind people in
the USA.

Please look this over carefully, distribute widely, and pass along the
attached surveys--particularly the one written in the Spanish
language--to anyone whose input you believe would be helpful.

Kind regards,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "President, National Federation of the Blind via
NFBNet-Members-List" <nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org<mailto:nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org>>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 08:07:13 -0500
Subject: [Nfbnet-members-list] SHARE WIDELY: National Federation of
the Blind Is Seeking to Support DREAMers
To: nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org<mailto:nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org>

National Federation of the Blind Is Seeking to Support DREAMers

As the principal vehicle for collective action for the blind in the
United States, the National Federation of the Blind is committed to
enabling all blind people, irrespective of immigration status, to
live the lives we want. To better inform our current and future
advocacy and policy strategies, the National Federation of the Blind
is collecting the following information to better understand the
impact of the administration's recent decision to rescind the
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program among the blind
in the United States. The information collected will be used to:
   * Identify DREAMers who are blind in order to better understand
the impact on blind people and help inform the National Federation of
the Blind regarding ways the organization can best provide assistance.
   * Develop an aggregate summary of the blind people in the United
States who participate in the DACA program, which can be shared with
government officials, advocates, and other interested parties.
   * Develop statistical analyses on the unemployment rate among the
blind before and after the establishment of the DACA program.
   * Highlight general narratives of blind people living the lives
they want because of the DACA program.
   * Coordinate a community of blind DACA recipients in order to
maximize the resources available.

If you or someone you know is blind and receives DACA benefits,
please complete the National Federation of the Blind DACA form at the
below links (available in Spanish and English), or share this
information with them. If you know of a DREAMer who does not have
internet access, we would appreciate your helping them complete the form.

Spanish NFB DACA form: <https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnfb.org%2Fdaca-es&data=02%7C01%7Ccepincheira%40msn.com%7Cd9c4f82a1f77490c16d508d4fd6e2a5e%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636412096975795480&sdata=n2sy%2FJJpBEZTcsDcxrOOcljSLjtiPvm561li80Y8oFE%3D&reserved=0>https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnfb.org%2Fdaca-es&data=02%7C01%7Ccepincheira%40msn.com%7Cd9c4f82a1f77490c16d508d4fd6e2a5e%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636412096975795480&sdata=n2sy%2FJJpBEZTcsDcxrOOcljSLjtiPvm561li80Y8oFE%3D&reserved=0
English NFB DACA form: <https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnfb.org%2Fdaca&data=02%7C01%7Ccepincheira%40msn.com%7Cd9c4f82a1f77490c16d508d4fd6e2a5e%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636412096975795480&sdata=wjnxwnq1GgP0vhRRRCyzkNKq3yjMREuL1eNf78jTTU4%3D&reserved=0>https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnfb.org%2Fdaca&data=02%7C01%7Ccepincheira%40msn.com%7Cd9c4f82a1f77490c16d508d4fd6e2a5e%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636412096975795480&sdata=wjnxwnq1GgP0vhRRRCyzkNKq3yjMREuL1eNf78jTTU4%3D&reserved=0

Together with love, hope, and determination, the National Federation
of the Blind transforms dreams into reality. Through this effort we
seek to support the hopes and dreams of blind people seeking to be
fully contributing members of our nation.

Mark A. Riccobono, President
200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 659-9314 | Officeofthepresident at nfb.org<mailto:Officeofthepresident at nfb.org>
Twitter: @Riccobono

National Federation of the Blind


The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and
friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind.
Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.

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