[Colorado-talk] Chance to win 2 tickets to Hamilton Please review

Lorinda Riddle lriddle at cocenter.org
Mon Jan 29 18:25:09 UTC 2018

January 29, 2018

Federationists and Friends,

Were you in that queue on Monday the 22nd for Hamilton tickets?  If you were like me, you didn't get very far.  However, the Mile High Chapter has secured two tickets for the show on Sunday, March 25 at 2 p.m. This is the audio described performance. The value of the two tickets is $218.50. We would like to give you a chance to win those two tickets.  The winner must be prepared to absorb the cost of the tickets.  The seats are located in Upper Orchestra, Section A, Row X, Seats 7 and 8.

How To Enter The Drawing And Other Rules:

1: Pay $10 in cash or by check or money order to a chapter board member, Lorinda Riddle or mail your payment to the Mile High Chapter 2233 West Shepperd Avenue, Littleton, CO, 80120.  Payment must be received by Friday, March 2.
2: Be prepared to pay and able to pay the cost of the tickets upon winning.  Remember, the value of the tickets is $218.50.
3: No more than one hundred (100) chances will be sold.
4: Each person will be allowed to buy one (1) chance.

The winner will be drawn on Monday, March 5.  Thank you for your support of the Mile High chapter and our fundraising efforts during this year's Denver Center for the Performing Arts play season. GOOD LUCK!!

Monique Melton, President
Mile High Chapter of the NFB of Colorado
mmelton at cocenter.org<mailto:mmelton at cocenter.org>

Lorinda Riddle
Coordinator of Special Projects
2233 W. Shepperd Avenue
Littleton, CO 80120
303-778-1130, ext. 236

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