[Colorado-talk] FW: Sad announcement re loss of community hero

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Mon Feb 25 00:49:39 UTC 2019

This  is truly terrible news.  We worked very closely with Carrie just last year and she was pivotal to our successful effort to pass H.B. 18-1104, Family Preservation for Parents with Disability Act.  When I get more information about a service etc, I will pass that on.  Rest in peace, Carrie; you truly are a hero in our community!!


From: Julie Reiskin <jreiskin at ccdconline.org> 
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2019 3:22 PM
To: slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Subject: Sad announcement re loss of community hero 


Dear CCDC Members: I am very sad to announce that a long-time CCDC member, and former employee, passed away today. Carrie Ann Lucas will be sorely missed by our community. Please read her obituary on our website. http://www.ccdconline.org/2019/02/24/disability-community-loses-one-of-our-rock-stars/   <http://email.civicore.com/wf/open?upn=-2BPR8hJ9LgnI-2Bx-2BIyI4VtXlHXLpNWhoMubQ1ReCW06WIpvrP-2BPlEyq2Xnfss-2BLW0z-2Bnqu5MBanDxsSLLHUSWHk2wZr8-2FVVfrulboruCUUObp2H0As5i5TxHZynpNRd250PfNkHczroAvii6TuGyfHNgVclLFlhAkykb7zGQgltd5Z1ZUCcmqe26XTkOvD054HS7OTuA0k4fRPnJwZzOs3LFsKdjJqsB6Kclr7WV-2F5ackKDxexyTvb9ll6ot00Y9k4> 

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