[Colorado-talk] nfb logo

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Sun Mar 31 23:12:36 UTC 2019

hello all,
I hope that you are all doing well today. well, I need a favor from
someone in the pr field on this list to help me out. I had at onetime
a copy of the nfb logo which I saved as a image file which I used for
a publication that I did for the Denver chapter many years ago and, I
can't find it at all! because, i'am in the process of going to put
together a brochure for one of the nfb divisions and, it will
hopefully be at the convention this year!

so, I was wondering if someone has a copy of the nfb logo perhaps?
and, if they do then can you please email it to me offlist at
amieelsabo at gmail.com

I would greatly appreciate this asap!


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