[Colorado-Talk] Resolutions and NFBCO State Convention

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Fri Oct 4 16:04:24 UTC 2019

Happy Friday Everyone!


Four weeks from today we will be enjoying our first full day of our NFBCO
State Convention which will include a meeting of  our Resolutions Committee.
The resolutions we adopt  are the policy of the affiliate and prioritize our
work.  For example, a few years ago, we passed a resolution calling upon our
Colorado General Assembly to enact a law that would protect the rights of
blind and other parents with disabilities in all aspects of parenting.  That
resolution did in fact lead to the passage of a very strong parental rights
law here in Colorado.  So, it goes almost without saying that the
resolutions process is very important to our organization.


This message is to encourage any of you to submit draft resolutions or
resolution ideas to our Committee.  Brent Batron and Dan Burke will co-chair
our Resolutions Committee, and each chapter/division will appoint a
representative to the Committee.  The Committee will meet at 8:30 am on
Friday, November 1st at the Fort Collins Hilton.  Please get any draft
resolutions or resolution ideas to Dan and Brent by October 18, 2019, sooner
if you can.


bbatron at cocenter.org <mailto:bbatron at cocenter.org> 

dburke at cocenter.org <mailto:dburke at cocenter.org> 


Some times people allow the rather arcane format of resolutions to hold them
back from submitting one.  That is why we welcome resolution ideas to be
submitted.  Dan and Brent can work with anyone to put the idea into
resolution form.  


Thank you for your attention to this message.  Have a great weekend here in
beautiful Colorado!!




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