[Colorado-Talk] October Springs Chapter Meeting Waits for You and Yours

kevan at nfbco.org kevan at nfbco.org
Mon Oct 7 15:53:21 UTC 2019

Howdy y'all,


I am getting ready for NFBCO State Convention. How about you? I am getting
my costume out of the closet so I can be the best dressed hombre at the
Western Halloween Ball, Thursday evening at the convention. But before that,
we have got a chapter meeting in Colorado Springs this Saturday morning at
the Garden Ranch Y. So, get a long little doggies! We start gatherin' up
between 9:30 and 10 for a bit of conversation. President Jeanette brings
down her mighty gavel at 10 a.m. sharp. During the 11:00 hour, Gerald Klein
will be demonstrating the Nu Eyes glasses, whatever they are. I guess they
are pretty cool so we better show up and find out. 


We look forward to seeing you all. Bring a friend. Lets go build the


At Your Service,

Kevan Worley

Manager, Project Literacy


 <http://www.nfbco.org/> www.nfbco.org 


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