[Colorado-Talk] FW: Accessible Presentation for 16th Street Mall ADA Stakeholders Meeting

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Wed Aug 5 21:43:44 UTC 2020

Greetings Everyone!


As you likely know by now, at 5:00 pm this evening we will be taking part in
a meeting to discuss the very ambitious plans for renovating the Sixteenth
Street Mall.  Below is the Zoom info and attached is a document about the
meeting.  It appears to be fully accessible.  


At first, I must say that I was quite concerned about whether the Mall would
be redesigned in a manner that would be accessible and safe for us.
However, now I am quite pleased with how much input the City and its
partners have taken and their desire to work closely with us.  We are
affecting the design of this project at an early stage.  To keep that effort
up, I urge all of you to attend this evening Zoom call.  


This project has the very real potential to transform our Mall into a truly
world class facility, one that is fully accessible to us.  See you all on
the Zoom.


Scott LaBarre,

President, NFBCO


From: LaRiviere, Loretta/DEN <Loretta.LaRiviere at jacobs.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 3:23 PM
Subject: Accessible Presentation for 16th Street Mall ADA Stakeholders




Join Zoom Meeting



To enhance the experience for the blind community participants, we are
pleased to let you know we will have Bonnie Barlow, a well-known Audio
Descriptive Specialist joining the meeting. If you would like to take
advantage of Bonnie's services, please join the Zoom Meeting on your
computer and connect with her on this conference call number: 303-223-5961
(No PIN needed). 


ASL interpreters will also be joining the Zoom Meeting.  If you haven't
already let me know if you require their services, please let me know as
soon as possible. 




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