[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: RTD Finalist GM/CEO Stakeholder Input

Gary Van Dorn garyvdrn at msn.com
Sat Aug 22 23:30:33 UTC 2020

Begin forwarded message:

From: Krystin Trustman <kbtrustman at yahoo.com<mailto:kbtrustman at yahoo.com>>
Subject: Fw: RTD Finalist GM/CEO Stakeholder Input
Date: 19 August 2020 at 16:12:24 MDT
To: TATF <tatf at drmac-co.org<mailto:tatf at drmac-co.org>>
Reply-To: Krystin Trustman <kbtrustman at yahoo.com<mailto:kbtrustman at yahoo.com>>

Hi All!

Please take a minute to look over the resumes of the three candidates for RTD GM/CEO and give your thoughts to the search firm.  All of us know the good and the bad of the previous leadership, this is our chance to give out opinions on their replacement.


Krystin Trustman

Denver Regional Mobility Access Council Transit Advocate/Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition Non-Attorney Advocate

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Gregg Moser <gmoser at kapartners.com<mailto:gmoser at kapartners.com>>
To: Gregg Moser <gmoser at kapartners.com<mailto:gmoser at kapartners.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 12:58:11 PM MDT
Subject: RTD Finalist GM/CEO Stakeholder Input

Good afternoon RTD stakeholder,

My name is Gregg Moser and I am the partner with the executive search firm assisting the RTD Board of Directors with their recruitment and selection of agency’s next GM/CEO. The Board has narrowed the field of candidates to three finalists. As a key partner of RTD, your input into this process matters.

Information about the three finalists including cover letters, résumés and video/PowerPoint presentations by each finalist is available on the RTD website. There is also an online survey for you to share your input on the finalists with the RTD Board. Please use both of the links provided below: the first one to review the information on the finalists and the second one to access the survey for key stakeholders. All responses are anonymous.

The deadline for responding to the survey is Sunday, August 23rd at 11:59 p.m. NO SURVEYS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS TIME.

As one of RTD’s important stakeholders, I know that the Board of Directors greatly appreciates your time and valued opinion. We thank you in advance for reviewing the information and providing input.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.



GM/CEO Page Link


Stakeholder Survey Link



Gregg Moser


7101 Wisconsin Avenue

Suite 1210

Bethesda, MD 20814

O 301.654.7533

C 301.775.6401

E gmoser at kapartners.com<mailto:gmoser at kapartners.com>


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