[Colorado-Talk] Hamilton! Be in the room where it happens!

Brittany Savage tanielizabeth21 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 21 13:15:13 UTC 2020


The blind parents division has Broadway tickets to Hamilton! We do not have an exact date or time due to the popularity of the show. It will be sometime between August and October. The tickets will be no less than $100. Once we nail down a time and date I will let you know more information. Right now I need people who are seriously interested to give me their names. Once we have a date and time I will let you know. The only way to secure your ticket is to make a payment due to the high popularity of the show once we have all the information.


Brittany Savage 
treasurer National Federation of the Blind of Denver 
Secretary National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Blind Parents Division
Mary Kay consultant

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