[Colorado-Talk] computer questions

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 1 23:47:45 UTC 2020

hello all,
well, this is another message for the new year for 2020. i hope that
you all have a good one. well, i have 2 questions in regarding to
technology that i decided to put them into one message. so, here is
the first question that i would like your opions or advice on this. do
any you use facebook portal through your cell phones, laptops/desktops
or t..v. to do face time for people like your family or friends at
all? if so is it accessible by using jfw or with windows 10, and, if
it is what are the keystrokes on how to use it and, how to use this
platform and, also get it for my use???

okay, my second question i had been using skype for many years but,
recently i know that nobody in the blind community uses it at all. so,
is it still usable by by the blind community and, if not i know of
zoom and, i have checked it out and, also have downloaded it onto my
computer. so, what does others mainly on this lists use either zoom or
skype/? if it's just zoom what are the keystrokes for using it?

well, i believe that's all for now take care all and, happy new year!

amy sabo

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