[Colorado-Talk] Colorado Center for the Blind, 2020 Summer Program

Martin Becerra-Miranda martinbecerramiranda at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 6 19:59:47 UTC 2020


The Colorado Center for the Blind is moving forward with our 2020 Summer Programs!

No, not in-person, but rather through virtual summer sessions.

We will be holding a total of 12 sessions (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) for youth between the ages of 13 – 21. Sessions will begin on Tuesday, June 16 and go through Thursday, July 30 excluding the week of July 13 for the NFB National Convention (by the way, don’t forget to register here before June 15).

What’s better than participating in these interactive, skill building, fun, and  informative sessions? How about the fact that all sessions will be free of cost?

These online workshops will focus on Self-Advocacy; STEM; College Readiness and; Employment.


For detailed information and to register, please visit:



Hope to see you there! And, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.



Kind Regards,

Martin Becerra-Miranda, NOMC

Director of Youth Services

Colorado Center for the Blind

Office:  303.778.1130 Ext. 223

Email:  mbecerra at cocenter.org

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