[Colorado-Talk] Accessible Voting in the June 30 Election

M coloradopray at juno.com
Sun Jun 7 04:50:38 UTC 2020

Dear Curtis (and others)

Thank you for your hard work to make voting less difficult for Colorado citizens.

Voting in Colorado has been a demeaning experience for me personally for years.  One time I voted in Jefferson County in a fire station.  Th election volunteer I was assigned was an older gentleman with a hearing loss.  I had to shout my choices ACROSS THE FIRE HOUSE SO THAT ALL THE VOTERS HEARD MY PRIVATE CHOICES.  THERE WERE LOTS OF GAWKING VOTERS AND I TRIED TO DECIDE IF IT WAS MORE IMPORTANT TO VOTE OR HAVE MY PRIVACY BE INVADED.

Then there was the time I went to a school.  (Im in a wheel chair)  I took a cab and rolled into the school.  Guess what?  There were stairs and I could not get access to the voting machines.   I made a lot of racket so that the people there knew there was a problem.

A couple years ago I went to Prince Street first thing in the morning  I attempted to vote and two of the computers broke down.  The IT department had to come down and try to remedy the situation.  A couple printers went off line.

The bosses were called on to assist.  Sheriffs and deputies came.  Other people in the building came down to see what was the fuss.

About noon I finally voted.  I attempted to put my ballot in the ballot box AND IT DIDNT FIT.  None of this was my fault.  What should have taken 15 minutes took several hours and MY PRIVACY WAS AGAIN DENIED.

This land of the free and home of the brave has a different meaning for the disabled community.  Thanks for bringing some solid answers forward.

M Mejia

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