[Colorado-Talk] Coronavirus COVID19 and the Blind of Colorado

kevan at nfbco.org kevan at nfbco.org
Mon Mar 16 19:30:40 UTC 2020

Greetings Blind Coloradan readers,


We know you have much to do to manage your lives during some very
challenging times for our nation and planet. This is a special Blind
d-of.html>  update from the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado. We
will keep it brief for you. 


Of course, blindness and catching Coronavirus COVID19 have no correlation
whatsoever. However, the fact is many blind folks are unemployed or
significantly unemployed. Many of our elderly and others in our family may
find themselves isolated and/or face discrimination as it relates to
shopping, accessible and affordable transportation, and appropriate medical
services. Thus NFBCO will remain ever vigilant and advocate for our needs. 


Breaking News! Breaking News! The 2020 NFBCO 6 Dot Dash will be postponed.
Understanding that by May 31st the Nation will have returned or be returning
to a level of normalcy, We know, however,  that the next two months will be
a turbulent time for many. It is probably not the time for sponsors,
volunteers, exhibitors, and racers to make our NFBCO a priority. So your
race committee has decided to seek a Fall date for our 3rd Annual community
extravaganza. We appreciate your understanding. If we are back to a more
normal set of circumstances by May 31st maybe we will get together for a big
blow-out picnic or BBQ on Sunday the 31st of May. Wouldn't that be a joy!


Please see the below notes:


1.	We have an NFBCO hotline for any individuals who are blind and
needing some extra support, guidance, advocacy as the nation deals with the
ever expanding outbreak of COVID19. We are using our NFBCO extension at the
Colorado Center for the Blind to gather questions, reports of difficulties
accessing services, or any other special circumstances arising out of the
pandemic . Please call 303-778-1130 ext. 219. We will do the best we can to
coordinate some volunteer assistance if someone is isolated and in need of
groceries or supplies or facing other difficulties.  Please remember that
above all else, we truly are a Federation family. Feel free to reach out to
our state president, members of our state board of directors, and local
leaders if you are in emotional or physical need. We know that some blind
folks have been turned away from grocery stores. They were told that the
stores were unwilling to assist. We are also working with authorities to
make sure people with disabilities have equal access to test sites and
health care facilities. If you reach out to your medical professionals and
then encouraged to get tested and you find the process inaccessible please
let us know. The NFB will continue to serve as advocates.
2.	As you know, NFBCO is following all of the guidance from our
national office to limit exposure to the virus. The Federation will sponsor
no official seminars, chapter meetings, or division meetings for at least
the next 30 days. However, we are strongly encouraging chapters to hold
chapter meetings via conference call, Zoom, or other appropriate platforms.
It is important that we keep our united effort and spirit of philosophy and
advocacy in action.
3.	Over this next month, members of our executive board have been
charged with developing some conference call and webinar training. Over the
next week or so you will hear about some training seminars we will be
providing. I know that one of these trainings will deal with chapter and
division financial management. So, chapter treasurers and presidents, in
particular, should stay tuned for more info. If you have ideas for training
content you would like all of us to pursue together let us know. From
philosophy to community relations to how to have the best chapter meetings
possible. We can use this time to continue our work. 
4.	Of course, our eagerly anticipated Poudre Valley organizing planned
for the 31st of this month is cancelled. But we will continue our work by
phone and email in that area of the state. There is much we can do
electronically to help build the Federation and bring opportunities to our
brothers and sisters no matter where they live in Colorado. 
5.	We know that many of our colleagues who manage businesses under the
Business Enterprise Program will be closing their operations or their sales
will be significantly curtailed. Our Colorado Association of Blind
Merchants, under the leadership of Brad Basta, is working with Program
Manager Dan Whalen and his team to do everything possible to minimize the
impact. We already know that our colleague Nate Hecker's business at the
Capitol has been closed. Many of you may know that our General Assembly is
taking a two week hiatus due to the Coronavirus outbreak. NFBCO applauds
Colorado BEP staff for the extra effort they are making. Thank you. 
6.	The Colorado Center for the Blind will release a statement about its
operations later today. We will post and distribute as appropriate. 
7.	With CSDB and other schools serving blind students closed, we stand
ready to help when possible. If you know of blind kiddos who could use some
mentoring of some kind during this break please be in touch. We would love
to help where we can. We say to parents of blind kids, "keep those kids
active, keep them reading, and, of course, keep them safe." 
8.	Remember that NFB Newsline carries local Colorado papers, breaking
news, news from the Federation, TV listings, and weather bulletins. Call our
new Coronavirus COVID19 hotline if you do not have your Newsline codes or
need to apply and we will get right back to you. 


Thank you for taking the time to read the above. Never has it been more
appropriate to say, "together with love, hope, and determination we
transform dreams into reality" and we work as a family to support all blind
people in need as best we are able. 


That's all for now.

Forward, always forward.



At Your Service,

Kevan Worley

Manager, Project Literacy


 <http://www.nfbco.org/> www.nfbco.org 


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