[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: [NFBMI-Talk] FW: Attend Live Presidential Release - Thursday, April 2

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 18:43:21 UTC 2020

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kane Brolin via NFBMI-Talk <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 21:18:32 -0400
Subject: [NFBMI-Talk] FW: Attend Live Presidential Release - Thursday, April 2
To: NFB of Michiana Mailing List <nfbofmichiana at googlegroups.com>, NFB
of Michigan Internet Mailing List <NFBMI-Talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Kane Brolin <kbrolin65 at gmail.com>

A cordial hello and best wishes to all.  I am sending this out to all
who have some degree of interest in the ongoing efforts of the
Michiana Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind, or some
degree of interest in the NFB's policies and programs in general.

For those who have not seen the press release I've copied below: This
is an invitation to join a special, Federation-wide Zoom gathering
which is to be held two days before the April 4 NFB of Michiana
meeting: at 8:00 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, April 2.  It is a live
edition of Mr. Riccobono's monthly, orally presented information drop.

I think what happens on Thursday night's Zoom with our Federation
president will prove to be an historic moment.  Considering how spread
out across the country and even around the world our membership is, it
is special that we rank-and-file members and supporters will gain
access to our org's national president and have a chance to be heard
across the Internet.  Got any great, untapped ideas?  Thursday night
the 2nd might be a perfect time to present one.  That a Q&A is to be
offered means President Riccobono has the opportunity to "stretch out"
and elaborate on details that most of us would not otherwise get to
hear about.  I am sure the fate and timing of the 2020 National
Convention will be near the top of his agenda.

Happy listening.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: National Federation of the Blind <webmaster at nfb.org>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 5:01 PM
To: Ron Brown <rb15 at iquest.net>
Subject: Attend Live Presidential Release - Thursday, April 2

Join President Riccobono for the National Federation of the Blind
Presidential Release (Live) #493

Thursday, April 2, 2020 @ 8:00 p.m. EDT via Zoom

Join this national teleconference where you can listen live to
President Mark Riccobono deliver the April Presidential Release (#493)
of the National Federation of the Blind. First established in 1971,
the presidential release
 is a monthly message delivered by the President of the organized
blind movement that is intended to be played at every local chapter
meeting. This will be the first time the President of the Federation
delivers this monthly message with a live audience present.

Open for Questions

After the remarks and updates from the elected President of the
National Federation of the Blind, the organization's First Vice
President, Pam Allen, will moderate questions. Members of the
Federation are cordially encouraged to attend and non-members are
warmly welcomed to participate. This is a unique national forum to
share the work of the organization and answer some questions that
might be on the minds of blind Americans. If you wish to send your
questions in advance, please send an email to cdanielsen at nfb.org
 and put PR493 in the subject line.

Join the Zoom Meeting

Save the date and time. Below are the Zoom details to join the
presidential release on Thursday, April 2 at 8:00 p.m. EDT via web or


Meeting ID: 236 891 8214

One tap mobile

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+16699006833,,2368918214# US (San Jose)

When dialing via phone, you will be prompted to enter the meeting ID:

Dial by your location

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

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+1 253 215 8782 US

+1 301 715 8592 US

Meeting ID: 236 891 8214

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ab3E5IUcW

We look forward to your participation.








National Federation of the Blind | 200 E Wells Street | Baltimore, MD
21230 | 410-659-9314

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hello all,
I don't know if this is going to be posted or not. but, i'am sure it
will be posted on all of the nfbnet lists. but, here is a very
important information on the april's presidential release that will be
of some importance to all of us!

so, please read on for all of the information!!!

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