[Colorado-Talk] FW: Supporting and Learning From Our Neighbors to the North

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Sat Oct 17 19:36:16 UTC 2020

Hey folks, just a reminder that our friends to the north are meeting.  See


From: Scott C. LaBarre <slabarre at labarrelaw.com> 


From: Colorado-Talk <colorado-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org
<mailto:colorado-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> > On Behalf Of Kevan Worley via
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2020 9:23 AM
To: kevan at nfbco.org <mailto:kevan at nfbco.org> 
Cc: kevan at nfbco.org <mailto:kevan at nfbco.org> 
Subject: [Colorado-Talk] Supporting and Learning From Our Neighbors to the


Howdy folks,


We in Colorado and Utah and Kansas and Nebraska and Montana, all over the
Rocky Mountain West and across the plains have a reputation of supporting
our sister affiliate in Wyoming. Bri Berquam is the young and highly
energetic President of NFBWY. You will see that she has put together an
incredible informative, entertaining agenda for the NFB of WY State
Convention. The convention is tomorrow, October 17. Let's show a little love
and pop in for an agenda item or two. Or maybe, stay all day. I'm going to.
Paul Sandoval is doing some tech talk. Have you ever heard National Board
Member John Fritz, our brother from Wisconsin present at a convention?
National Sports and Rec Division Jessica Beecham will offer her charm,
wisdom, and energy late in the afternoon about sports and rec. There are
many other items you will enjoy. So, check out this great agenda and listen
in from time to time. And, let's go build the National Federation of the
Blind of Wyoming! 




National Federation of the Blind  of Wyoming State Convention Agenda


Date: Saturday, October 17th, 2020

Time: 9-4

Where: Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 518 591 5377

Passcode: 9emc5E


.             9:00 Opening Ceremony

.             9:15.: Building Our Future by Bri Berquam, President of the
National Federation of the Blind of Wyoming

.             9:45: Giving Back: Opportunities for Fundraising by Kevan

.             10 :15: National Report  by John Fritz, President of the
National Federation of the Blind of Wisconsin, National Board Member

.             11: The 3 Pillars: Confidence Attitude, and Training by Shawn
Mayo, former Director of Blind Incorporated and former Orientation Center
Director, Iowa Department for the Blind

.             11:30: Making Rehab Work for You by Dick Davis, Chairperson,
National Federation of the Blind, Employment Committee

.             12: Lunch Break

.             12:30: Building Wyoming's Federation and Future with Blind
Children and their Families by Carlton Walker, President, National
Federation of the Blind , National Organization of Parents of Blind Children

.             1: An Introduction Access Technology by Paul Sandoval, Owner
and Trainer of Blind Tech Training

.             1:30: An Inside Look at Vision Outreach Services by Leslie
Vanorman, Program Manager, Vision Outreach Services 

.             2: Drilling Down on Blindness by  Emily Wharton, poet,
woodworker, Director, Iowa Department for the Blind

.             2:30: Hunting for Success by John Fritz, , President of the
National Federation of the Blind of Wisconsin, National Board Member

.             3: Get Moving! by Jessica Beecham, President, , National
Federation of the Blind, Sports and Recreation Division

.             3:30: Old Business

.             3:45: New Business

.             4: Adjourn


Join us for the NFBCO Comcast 6 Dot Dash!  <http://www.6dotdashco.com/>
Join my team, The Doggers!  Or build your own team. Thank you Vanda
Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia Insurance, Blackstone Consulting Inc., and
other dear friends and supporters.



At Your Service,

Kevan Worley

Manager, Project Literacy


 <http://www.nfbco.org/> www.nfbco.org 


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