[Colorado-Talk] NFB STEM2U Opportunity for Colorado Students!

Martin Becerra-Miranda martinbecerramiranda at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 22 15:38:57 UTC 2020


The National Federation of the Blind works to improve opportunities for blind students in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. In NFB STEM2U, we are bringing what we have learned directly to students and families in their homes. Students of varying ages in fifteen states across the country, including Colorado, will receive instruction from NFB personnel and expert instructors via the Zoom platform.


Dates and Location

There is one more opportunity to attend this program.

November 14, 2020 from 12 to 3 p.m. MT

Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for blind and low-vision students in grades three to high school level who:

Are interested in STEM
Are unsure about STEM but interested in a fun program specific to blind students
Are in need of hands-on, nonvisual skills training opportunities from blind role models


There will be two tracks for the program based on grade and experience—basic and advanced. Each student registered for the 2020 NFB STEM2U program will be sent a box of materials containing everything they need to completely engage with the lesson.



Please use our online application form to register for NFB STEM2U. 



This program is designed to include Braille, accessible tools, and digital content. If additional accommodations are needed, please email stem at nfb.org.


More Information

If you have any questions, please email stem at nfb.org. Participation will be completely free to participants thanks to the generous support of General Motors.


If you have other questions, please contact Martin Becerra-Miranda by emailing mbecerra at cocenter.org or by calling (303) 778-1130 Extension 253.



My best,

Martin Becerra-Miranda, NOMC

Director of Youth Services

Colorado Center for the Blind

Phone: 303.778.1130  Ext:  223

Fax:  303.778.1598

2233 W. Shepperd Ave.

Littleton, CO 80120


Take Charge with Confidence and Self-Reliance


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