[Colorado-Talk] NFBCO Virtual Choir for State Convention

mother27dragon at gmail.com mother27dragon at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 02:20:18 UTC 2020

Hello everyone!


We are having a virtual choir for the state convention and we need more
men!!!!  Right now, we have three and I am very grateful for the three men
who have stepped up.  In joining the choir, you won't have to sing in front
of anyone.  You see, you will be recording it in the quiet of your own home
and then sending in the recording.  So, if you are shy to sing in front of
others,  we got that covered.


So.who's in?


E-mail ReNae Anderson at mother27dragon at gmail.com
<mailto:mother27dragon at gmail.com>  for more information.  We will be having
our first practice on September 4 at 6:30pm.  That date is coming up, so
please reach out soon.


Thanks in advance,


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