[Colorado-Talk] issues in making hotel reservationns for nfb of co convention

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 21:17:38 UTC 2021

hello all,
well, as you all know that we now can make our reservations for the
hotel at the denver marriott south for state convention. i called them
a few minutes ago and, i had been on hold for almost a hour or so. i
know that you have to deal with the marriott switchboard. but, is
there a way that we can also do our reservations for the hotel by
using the web ite for the hotel in using the code for the convention
to get the rate as well too besides using the phone too?

if so, maybe lisa could look into this if possible and, hopefully, it
will be accessible for us to do this with our screen readers and
accessible technology too? it's just a idea... what do you all think?

also, have others here on this list had this problem themselves in
making their reversations with the hotel for state convention?

thanks again and, i will talk to you all soon!

sincerely yours,
amy sabo

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