[Colorado-Talk] Greetings colleagues and friends,

kevan at nfbco.org kevan at nfbco.org
Wed Feb 3 16:14:30 UTC 2021

Greetings colleagues and friends,


This should be a tremendous Mountain Time at 5 tonight. Please spread the
word. We look forward to welcoming many of our students and some of the
outstanding teachers from our Colorado Center for the Blind. This program
will come with some basic reference materials. 


Wednesday, February 3 Mountain Time at 5 presents the first in a series of
Zoom programs entitled "Know Your Rights." Each month, our Mountain Time at
5 cast of usual suspects will be joined by experts who can explain the
rights and responsibilities blind Coloradans have. This Wednesday's program
will feature Blindness and Low Vision Services. Future programs will
consider the rights of guide dog handlers, students, housing, voting,
transportation, and other subjects. 


Mountain Time at 5 Wednesday, February 3 will feature a panel of true

*	Curtis Chong has worked in the area of technology for both private
and public sector organizations. Curtis is a teacher, a developer, an
activist, an advocate, and a mentor. 
*	Julia Zanon will also be joining us. Julia was a highly successful
rehabilitation counselor. She was also a supervisor for a number of years
for the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Ms. Zanon launched and
managed the Blindness and Low Vision Services unit within DVR, which she
directed until her retirement in 2019. Julia brings her kind and generous
spirit to everything she does. 
*	Jodi Witthaus will be joining us, as well. Jodi is one of our
Federation leaders and a counselor for the Division of Vocational
*	Scott LaBarre, President of NFBCO, will also be on the call. Scott
is a blind attorney who has often been engaged to represent VR clients in
Colorado and elsewhere in the U.S. 
*	Julie Deden has directed the Colorado Center for the Blind for more
than two decades. In this role, she works with both students who are
receiving rehab services in addition to rehab counselors. Prior to directing
our Center, Julie was always regarded by her clients as one of the most
effective counselors.

This Mountain Time at 5 is meant for anyone, of any age, who would like to
know more about possibilities, rights, and responsibilities available to
consumers of Colorado's Blind and Low Vision Services programs, whether you
are in transition to college or work, a current client, work with potential
DVR clients, a Colorado Center for the Blind student, or a parent or teacher
of a teenager or young adult. If you want to know more about what the system
and you can do together, THIS is the Mountain Time at 5 call for you. We
will be giving away two $25 Amazon gift cards to bring a smile to your face.
<https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=MOUNTAINTIMEAT5> Closed captioning
will be available.

Join Zoom Meeting
 <https://zoom.us/j/97417562247> https://zoom.us/j/97417562247

Meeting ID: 974 1756 2247
One tap mobile

Dial by your location

        +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 974 1756 2247


At Your Service,

Kevan Worley

Manager, Project Literacy


 <http://www.nfbco.org/> www.nfbco.org


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