[Colorado-Talk] FW: DeafBlind Intervener Survey

doula.jarboe at gmail.com doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 21:09:51 UTC 2021

Greetings All,


     This survey is for adults who are Deafblind.  Hopefully if I understand things correctly, this information will help with moving forward services available for Deafblind children.  Thanks.




From: Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind <email.ccdhh at state.co.us> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 2:58 PM
To: doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Subject: DeafBlind Intervener Survey







The Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind (CCDHHDB) has contracted with Sarah Honigfeld to analyze the current landscape for community services for deafblind children in Colorado. Your answers to the survey questions will inform the steps we take to expand community services. 

Here's the link:  <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=36790382&msgid=191740&act=3O4V&c=1488451&destination=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttps-3A__forms.gle_7it958kKsWXQ67sJ6%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DsdnEM9SRGFuMt5z5w3AhsPNahmNicq64TgF1JwNR0cs%26r%3DSB7807IcOghjOngYm_zbBr8cmkwLdZPxLz8aIJKsNUo%26m%3DO-9UcW8tKrtDXLcwd3q6K3AvA51V3m6KWBt6P4nO7nc%26s%3DU4Zk6YUk4SmaL0ftfTDSE0W8x5za8oiktpJP5Mk7eeM%26e%3D&cf=4156&v=d8070119469c203a74c143245a582a26ba37138592bd4c93b60eb9a839a4d2be> https://forms.gle/7it958kKsWXQ67sJ6 

This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

All survey responses are anonymous. One question will allow you to provide your name and contact information in order to opt in to participate for a focus group. Any information provided by this question will not be associated with

any of your other responses. 

Please complete this survey by Wednesday June 16th, 2021 at

the very latest. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Sarah Honigfeld at  <mailto:sarahhonigfeldllc at gmail.com> sarahhonigfeldllc at gmail.com, or CCDHHDB's Outreach Consultant- Deafblind specialist Roberto Cabrera at  <mailto:Roberto.Cabrera at state.co.us> Roberto.Cabrera at state.co.us.

We appreciate your time and input! 

Note: This survey strives to be as neutral as possible in its use of terminology and naming conventions (including use of capitalizations) by using CCDHHDB's style guide for naming conventions. The researchers are not assuming a stance via the use of naming conventions.


An Intervener is a person who: Works consistently one-to-one with an individual who is deafblind

Has training and specialized skills in deafblindness ( <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=36790382&msgid=191740&act=3O4V&c=1488451&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Furl%3Fq%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.intervener.org%26sa%3DD%26source%3Deditors%26ust%3D1622572633117000%26usg%3DAFQjCNGq8apXanxAXsvSIxSHS1JDdRqEKw&cf=4156&v=5d7d7b4f085e4c61d62e7949e3a3ab19dc62cdf984f2ced52bdec4297463d3cd> www.intervener.org)


The intervener facilitates access to the environmental information that the student cannot access because of the combined hearing and vision loss. The intervener learns the highly individualized communication system of the student and works to facilitate both receptive and expressive communication development. ( <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=36790382&msgid=191740&act=3O4V&c=1488451&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Furl%3Fq%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.intervener.org%26sa%3DD%26source%3Deditors%26ust%3D1622572633117000%26usg%3DAFQjCNGq8apXanxAXsvSIxSHS1JDdRqEKw&cf=4156&v=5d7d7b4f085e4c61d62e7949e3a3ab19dc62cdf984f2ced52bdec4297463d3cd> www.intervener.org) 

*If you would like to request ASL interpretation of any of

the following questions, please contact Roberto Cabrera at  <mailto:Roberto.Cabrera at state.co.us> Roberto.Cabrera at state.co.us to request services





1575 Sherman Street

Garden Level 

Denver, C0 20203

 <https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=36790382&msgid=191740&act=3O4V&c=1488451&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ccdhhdb.com%2F&cf=4156&v=4c76b1b9831967bc6315fadcca7f71c3203d187578a18f0b9fd93da94c17b8c4> www.ccdhhdb.com

 <mailto:office.ccdhhdb at state.co.us> office.ccdhhdb at state.co.us

 <tel:720-457-3679> 720-457-3679


 <https://app.icontact.com/icp/mmail-mprofile.php?r=36790382&l=4156&s=3O4V&m=191740&c=1488451> Unsubscribe 

This message was sent to  <mailto:doula.jarboe at gmail.com> doula.jarboe at gmail.com from  <mailto:email.ccdhh at state.co.us> email.ccdhh at state.co.us

Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind
State of Colorado
1575 Sherman Street Garden Level
Denver, CO 80203

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