[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: Communications Committee: Fwd: [NFBT] Invitation to a workshop on how to become a Spanish-interpreter
Dan Burke
burke.dall at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 14:20:53 UTC 2021
Good morning -
I'm forwarding because at our NFB of Denver January meeting several
folks wanted to see us recruiting more Latino members. This
interpreting workshop from the Rio Grande Valley Chapter of the NFB of
Texas is a great resource in working to achieve that end.
Best, Dan
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liz Wisecarver <lwisecarver at nfbtx.org>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2021 15:25:34 -0600
Subject: Communications Committee: Fwd: [NFBT] Invitation to a
workshop on how to become a Spanish-interpreter
To: Pam Allen <pallen at louisianacenter.org>, "Karen Anderson
(kea.anderson at gmail.com)" <kea.anderson at gmail.com>, "Bair, Cody"
<codyjbair at yahoo.com>, "Jessica Beecham (jessica at wefitwellness.com)"
<jessica at wefitwellness.com>, "Dan Burke (burke.dall at gmail.com)"
<burke.dall at gmail.com>, "State President, District of Columbia"
<callaway.shawn at gmail.com>, "batescampbell at gmail.com"
<batescampbell at gmail.com>, "Cascone, Stephanie" <scascone at nfb.org>,
"Peggy Chong (chongpeggy10 at gmail.com)" <chongpeggy10 at gmail.com>,
"aec732 at gmail.com" <aec732 at gmail.com>, "Glenn Crosby
(gcrosby at nfbtx.org)" <gcrosby at nfbtx.org>, "Buna Dahal
(BunaDahal at DynamicBuna.com)" <BunaDahal at dynamicbuna.com>, "Danielsen,
Chris" <CDanielsen at nfb.org>, Penny Duffy <pennyduffy at gmail.com>,
Audrey Farnum <atfarnum at gmail.com>, "Kenia Flores
(kenia.flores at furman.edu)" <kenia.flores at furman.edu>, Danielle
Frampton <dfframpton at gmail.com>, "mike at soundadviceadvocates.com"
<mike at soundadviceadvocates.com>, "Hairston, Ever Lee"
<ever.hairston at gmail.com>, "Joe Hobson (joehobson at comcast.net)"
<joehobson at comcast.net>, "Stein, Deborah" <DKent5817 at att.net>,
"rachelrkuntz at gmail.com" <rachelrkuntz at gmail.com>,
"byron at byronlee.com" <byron at byronlee.com>, "Katelyn MacIntyre
(katelynmacmusic at gmail.com)" <katelynmacmusic at gmail.com>, Danny
Martinez <dmartinez at nfbtx.org>, "amarquez at nfbtx.org"
<amarquez at nfbtx.org>, "Danielle Trevino
(Danielle.trevino11 at gmail.com)" <Danielle.trevino11 at gmail.com>,
"Meddaugh, J.J." <jj at bestmidi.com>, "Linda Melendez
(lindamelendez220 at gmail.com)" <lindamelendez220 at gmail.com>, Corb
O'Connor <corbb at rushpost.com>, "barbara.pierce9366 at gmail.com"
<barbara.pierce9366 at gmail.com>, "kpirnie77 at gmail.com"
<kpirnie77 at gmail.com>, "aporterfield at saavi.us"
<aporterfield at saavi.us>, "deja.powell at gmail.com"
<deja.powell at gmail.com>, "lorindaannriddle at yahoo.com"
<lorindaannriddle at yahoo.com>, "eileen at leyandassociates.com"
<eileen at leyandassociates.com>, "State President, New Jersey"
<nfbnj1 at verizon.net>, "State President, Virginia"
<tracy.soforenko at gmail.com>, "yadiel.sotomayor at icloud.com"
<yadiel.sotomayor at icloud.com>, "sws40203 at gmail.com"
<sws40203 at gmail.com>, "slstanzel at kc.rr.com" <slstanzel at kc.rr.com>,
"Rob Tabor (rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net)" <rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net>,
"andrea.travis at gmail.com" <andrea.travis at gmail.com>, "JP Williams
(jp at jpwilliams.net)" <jp at jpwilliams.net>, "Gary Wunder
(gwunder at earthlink.net)" <gwunder at earthlink.net>
Hello Communications Committee,
Please see below for an invitation to join the Rio Grande Valley
Chapter tomorrow for a workshop on Spanish interpretation. Not to toot
our Texas affiliate horn too much, but we have a fair bit of
experience when it comes to providing Spanish resources! We try to
make Spanish interpretation available at as many of our events as
possible and regularly translate our materials so they can be accessed
by more blind people. This event is open to anyone who is interested
in learning more.
Thanks and take care,
Liz Wisecarver, Director
lwisecarver at nfbtx.org
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Hilda Nino <hilda.nino at gmail.com>
> Subject: [NFBT] Invitation to a workshop on how to become a Spanish-interpreter
> Date: March 2, 2021 at 11:35:28 PM CST
> To: member at nfbtx.org
> Hello:
> The RGV-Chapter is hosting a workshop on Thursday March 4, at 7:00 PM
> CST. The topic is how to become a Spanish-interpreter. It'll be via
> zoom. The invitation is in Spanish and the workshop will be bilingual.
> Please feel free to share where appropriate. Thank you.
> Hilda Hernandez
> Por medio de la presente invitación, el Capitulo del Valle del Río
> Grande, Le hace la cordial invitación al taller de Interpretación,
> Donde los ponentes Hilda Hernández y José Márquez (Que cuentan con 13
> años de experiencia en la rama ya mencionada), Nos hablarán de las
> diversas oportunidades y veneficios que se obtienen al ejercer la
> profesión de intérprete. Dicha exposición se llevará a cabo el jueves
> 4 de marzo a las 7 P.M. CST. A través de la plataforma Zoom.
> Unirse a la reunión Zoom
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89122089586?pwd=bGxXZ2hER2YwaHAxMWU5SWJMcnowUT09
> de reunión: 891 2208 9586
> Código de acceso: 171955
> Móvil con un toque
> +13462487799,,89122089586#,,,,*171955# Estados Unidos de América (Houston)
> +12532158782,,89122089586#,,,,*171955# Estados Unidos de América (Tacoma)
> --
> National Federation of the Blind of Texas
> "Live the life you want."
Dan Burke
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Legislative Coordinator
President, NFB of Denver
"Blindness is not what holds you back. You can live the life you want!"
My Cell: 406.546.8546
Twitter: @DallDonal
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