[Colorado-Talk] Blind Parents Division meeting juvenile justice system

Brittany Savage tanielizabeth21 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 17 16:00:37 UTC 2021

Join the Blind Parents Division on March 25 from 7 PM until 8 PM for another open discussion. This month’s topic is blind parenting while traversing the criminal justice system with your child. Having a child going through trouble does not mean that you are a bad parent or that you have a bad kid. This can be an especially difficult and sensitive topic. This open conversation will be facilitated by ReNae Anderson from our At-Large chapter. No parent ever wishes to go through this or anticipates this for their family. The blind parents division hopes that we can all learn, grow, and share together talking about this subject.

We plan to hold an open discussion on the fourth Thursday of every month about relevant topics to blind parents. These discussions will be facilitated by all different parents throughout the state. The Blind Parents Division is excited to offer an inclusive and safe space that can allow for questions, growth, end connection.

Also, our board meeting will take place prior to the discussion from 6:30 PM until 7 PM. We welcome people to listen in on our board meetings if you would like. Thank you all so much and we look forward to a great way for us all to connect on zoom.

Questions?? Email blindparentsco at gmail.com
Maureen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting for NFBCO Parents

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Passcode: 1111
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Meeting ID: 830 7659 9743


Brittany Savage 
treasurer National Federation of the Blind of Denver 
Secretary National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Blind Parents Division
Mary Kay consultant

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