[Colorado-Talk] Denver chapter meeting minutes just after CCB opened

Peggy Chong chongpeggy10 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 18:39:13 UTC 2021

It is always fun to look back and see how far we came.  Here are the Denver
Chapter meeting minutes for January, 1988, just after the Colorado Center
for the Blind opened.


These are from the transcribed files of the PHD project.


Peggy Chong


Minutes of the National Federation of the Blind

Denver Board


January 20, 1988


Julie called the Board to order at 7:00pm and welcomed Kim Cole, who came as
a guest, representing the students of our new Colorado Center for the Blind.
Richard Moon was the only board member unable to attend.


Minutes from the November 1987 meeting were read and approved without
correction; and it was agreed that the Treasurer's Report would be presented
later, with the proposed budget.


Kim and Diane then gave an inspiring progress report on the Colorado Center.
Kim said that, the kick off day Sunday, January 3, when the students were
driven to the Center and fed a delicious meal, they were thrown directly in
to the fray, taking an early morning bus to the Center on the 4th, in below
zero weather, wearing sleep shades.  By the end of that first class day,
they had among other things, planned a week's menus, prepared lunch, and
gone grocery shopping, pushing their own carts.  Other adventures have
included navigating cafeteria lines; planning, preparing, serving, and
cleaning up after a State Board Luncheon for 28 people; and helping to plan
the March on Washington, which they will all attend.  One student reported
having done more in two weeks at our Center than in six months at another
Center; and Diane concurred that their progress has been outstanding.  Kim
talked about the use of sleep shades, indicating that, though they can be
exasperating at times, the students are learning that they can do things
without their residual vision which they would have never thought possible.
There are five students now enrolled (each of whom will speak at the next
chapter meeting) and there are more on the waiting list.  Diane reported
that the two student apartments were furnished for under $2,000.00, thanks
to thrifty shopping; and that the new phone system, plus a building wide
intercom, have been installed.  Perhaps the most note worthy event in the
life of the Center to date was an incident last Friday involving RTD, which
Kim related in detail, and which is outlined in a letter written by the
students to Ed Colby, RTD general manager, with copies to all RTD Board
members.  The incident involved the students' refusal to take seats from
sighted passengers on a standing room only bus, and the driver's physical
and verbal abuse as the trip proceeded.  Because Mr. Colby will not be
available for two to three weeks, the staff and students have scheduled a
meeting on Friday morning with RTD's deputy general manager to discuss the
need for a policy to protect the rights of blind passengers to stand on
crowded buses along with their sighted peers.


At various points throughout the meeting, fund raising possibilities were
discussed.  They will all be summarized here.


First, it was agreed that the success of last years candy bar sale warranted
another such undertaking this year.  We will try to have the candy available
for distribution at Friday's Chapter meeting, or at the latest, just prior
to the March on Washington.  Next, the infamous organ was discussed.
Attempts to get auctions to take [it] have failed; and Barbara, our office
manager, has learned that most we can get for it from Music stores is $150
to $250.  A wholesale auctioneer did stop in today and said he would sell it
for us, but only on the condition that we set no minimum price, which we
decided was too risky a proposition to accept.  Finally we have the
opportunity to join other non-profit organizations in distribution
information and selling craft items to raise funds at the Villa Italia Mall
on Saturday, February 27th; and it was agreed we should participate and
that, in addition to Braille alphabet cards and handing out brochures, we
should sell more of our donated Kleenex holders and solicit other hand made
items from our membership.


Fiscal matters, were then considered, beginning with the presentation of the
proposed 1988 Chapter Budget.  Diane stressed that Barbara's computerizing
the books had made the committees' job considerably easier than in past
years.  She emphasized that, due to a reduction in FMC receipts, both our
chapter and state budgets are smaller this year.  It is unlikely that Denver
will be able to contribute anything toward staff salary and related expenses
this year, for example.  As an aside, Diane announced that Wendy Woodrum
would be coming back to work part time and is already under sleep shade
training.  The Center will pay her salary, while the NFBC will retain the
responsibility for paying our full time secretary.  Regarding Chapter
commitments, expenses for the year are estimated at $46,047.00, with
expected income of $46,407.00; and the Board unanimously approved the
budgets' adoption.  The treasurer's report followed, showing a balance on
January 15th of $984.77, and this, too, was unanimously approved.  We then
learned recent correspondence indicated no outstanding funds owed us from
Danson Oil, and that a recent change in management has occurred.  It was
agreed to leave well enough alone, lest the new operators resurrect the
matter of the alleged overpayment.


Before adjournment, two other matters were briefly discussed.  First, Bev
said her potential source of discount rates for Ramses II had fallen
through.  It was decided we should still enlist John Deden's aid in
coordinating a group tour.  Second, Jan, who represents NFB on the Library's
Consumer Advisory Committee, reported that, with Julie's go ahead, she had
scheduled Barbara Gural, library supervisor, to speak to the Chapter on


Having finished all business, we adjourned at 9:10pm.


Respectfully Submitted


Jan Lattuca, Secretary


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