[Colorado-Talk] It's Resolution Time Again!

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 20:37:00 UTC 2021

Good afternoon!

The National Federation of the Blind of Colorado can point to a number
of significant achievements in recent years that have improved the
lives of all blind Coloradans, including one of the strongest laws in
the country protecting the parental rights of citizens with
disabilities and true vote-from-home accessibility. Of course, there
was a lot of work that got these things done, but each of these began
as a resolution at our annual NFBCO convention.
Resolutions are one of the principal ways we as members guide the work
of our affiliate, whether to applaud good work on behalf of the blind
or to call out barriers to opportunity for the blind. So, if you think
the NFBCO should call out a barrier or applaud the removal of one for
blind people, you can, and should, write a resolution. If you are
unsure about how to do so, Resolutions Committee Co-chairs Dan Burke
and Curtis Chong are glad to help.
The deadline for submitting resolutions is Wednesday, October 20 – a
week before we convene in Lone Tree. If you have an idea for a
resolution, but aren’t sure how to approach writing it, please contact
Curtis or Dan before the deadline! Otherwise, send your drafts to
burke.dall at gmail.com or chong.curtis at gmail.com.

Dan Burke

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Legislative Co-chair

President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"

My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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