[Colorado-Talk] Hotel reservation tip

Catherine Michele Mitchell michmitch66 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 20:00:00 UTC 2021

Greetings, fellow Federationists of Colorado!

Here's a handy tip to possibly save you time and frustration  when making your convention room reservation:
Tell the Hotel associate that the reservation needs to be made 
"through Pass Key". 

apparently, Pass Key is a whole other system through which special types of reservations are booked. And, not everyone who makes reservations Is authorized to use Pass Key. 

so if you Mention it right away, your reservationist ken get you into the right system the first time or transfer you to someone Authorized  to use the Pass Key  system   

thanks to Steven from the call center graveyard shift for this advice. He may not be authorized to use Pass Key, but he was darn helpful nonetheless.


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