[Colorado-Talk] Minutes from 94 years ago
Peggy Chong
chongpeggy10 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 17:37:30 UTC 2022
Just thought I would share minutes from April of 1928. Funding was a big
issue. Times they never change.
Peggy Chong
[Minutes of the United Workers for the Blind]
Meeting called to order by President Wilcox promptly at 3 p.m.
Other directors present were Mssrs. Comer, Fisher and Gunlin.
Owing to the absence of Secretary Young and the minute book, the
proceedings of the preceding regular monthly meeting were passed unread,
until the forthcoming meeting. The financial report for the month of March,
read by Mrs. Wilcox, who served as secretary of the meeting, showed a
balance of $156.20. Under head of communications a number of items were
read from the Community Chest's "Chest Chat," which were interspersed by
comments from the members.
President Wilcox reported that Mr. Redeker, official auditor of
the Com. Chest, had announced readiness for the books, which were awaiting
his acceptance, in complete balance and all that as they were, covering the
six-month period up to Dec. 1, 1927. Some delay had been occasioned by Mr.
Redeker's attendance as an expert in a criminal trial at court.
Mrs. Wilcox had procured a copy of the last Denver payment in
the Blind Benefits and read them as a matter of information. The report
showed 142 beneficiaries with a number of eliminations, a few increases, and
a number of decreases in individual cases. The total payment for the
quarter was $9909.15. Report was made on the non-progress of the Hunter
estate in making its award for the forthcoming year. The report explained
that all the Hunter trustees were out of the city at the set time of March
25 and were still absent. The proposition of giving a May Day fete at
blossom time to those of the blind who could get out for an afternoon was
discussed at length. The whole matter was finally referred to the president
for such action as he may deem proper. Announcement was made that the Peggy
Club of the Knights of Pythias would present the monthly entertainment on
May 17. On motion of Dr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. Comer, the meeting
adjourned at 4:15 until May 9.
[Signature:] Mrs. Lute Wilcox
Acting Secretary.
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