[Colorado-Talk] Join us to celebrate Rosa Parks' birthday with transit equity

Kevan Worley kevanworley at worleyenterprises.com
Thu Feb 3 20:03:19 UTC 2022

Greetings colleagues and friends,

This is a long one. Much like our long quest for access to equity affordable transportation services. This was brought to my attention by Colorado Springs city councilwomen and state senate candidate, federation member Yolanda Avila. For those of you who are interested in transit issues. Here is the announcement.

Friday, February 4, we're celebrating Transit Equity Day on Rosa Parks' birthday. We are in solidarity together for investments in safe, reliable, and affordable public transit. Will you join a local or national event on February 4?
RSVP and learn more here https://act.sierraclub.org/events/details?id=7013q000002GW5JAAW&formcampaignid=7013q000002GW5OAAW&data=dcd13937479260b5fa10707f79d46718cc66b92748d1b548733da679b92a5edfa83b7aa61592fcc8f230b1422cc5b43a&utm_medium=email&utm_source=sierraclub&utm_campaign=greentransportation&utm_content=TED2022.

This year, will you join in to learn how Colorado Springs, can be a transit equity leader?
Increasing access to public transportation is critical for a just transition from the fossil fuel economy to clean, renewable energy to confront the climate crisis. And -- no matter your zip code, race, income level, or age -- you should be able to rely on clean and safe transportation choices. That must include affordable (or even free) and accessible public transportation and better pay and benefits to train, expand, and retain the transit workforce.
Our current car-centric, transportation systems leave far too many people behind, especially Black, Brown, rural, and low-income communities. That's why we honor Rosa Parks, whose act of defiance inspired supporters of racial equity and civil rights across the world. The history of this act of resistance highlights the spirit of why all people have the RIGHT to high-quality public transportation.
Please help us celebrate Rosa Parks by joining a local or national Transit Equity Day event here.

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