[Colorado-Talk] Colorado Mountain Time at Five Caucus, Feb 3

Curtis Chong chong.curtis at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 19:53:24 UTC 2022



It's Washington Seminar time, and that means it's time for our Colorado
Caucus. Although we can't be in the Holiday Inn Capitol this year, a
Mountain Time at Five Zoom get-together on Thursday, February 3, 5:00 p.m.,
seems like a perfect alternative. So why don't you join us!


At our caucus, you can learn about the issues we will be discussing with
Colorado's Congressional delegation and ask questions about any issue that
you might not understand. We will go over the legislative priorities, the
schedule of Washington Seminar events, break up into teams,  and review our
Congressional appointments. Since all of our Congressional meetings will be
on Zoom, plan on slipping into one (or all nine) of them during the week of
February 7. On February 7, join us at our Great Gathering-In starting at
5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


We have four legislative priorities this year:


Access Technology Affordability Act (H.R. 431/S. 212)

The cost of critically needed access technology is out of reach for most
blind Americans.


Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (H.R. 4853)

Advanced digital interfaces create barriers that prevent blind individuals
from independently and safely operating home-use medical devices that are
essential to their daily healthcare needs. The Medical Device Nonvisual
Accessibility Act will end unequal access to home-use medical devices for
blind Americans.


Twenty-First Century Website and Application Accessibility Act

Websites are required by law to be accessible, but without implementing
regulations most businesses and retailers have little understanding of what
accessible means. The Twenty-First Century Websites and Applications
Accessibility Act will end website and mobile application inaccessibility
for blind Americans.


Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (H.R. 2373/S. 3238)

Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 authorizes employers
to pay workers with disabilities subminimum wages while they perform mundane
tasks that do not transfer into skills necessary to transition to other
employment options. The Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment
Act will end this antiquated and discriminatory practice for all Americans
with disabilities.


We encourage you to study up on the issues before our Mountain Time at Five
Caucus. You can find the Fact Sheets, with more detail than given here, on
our  <https://nfb.org/programs-services/advocacy/washington-seminar>
Washington Seminar web page. Fact Sheets are available in HTML, Word, and
Audio formats.


See you at 5 on Thursday!



Mountain Time at 5 Zoom information

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 974 1756 2247
One tap mobile


Dial by your location
+1 720 707 2699

+1 720 928 9299

Meeting ID: 974 1756 2247


Best wishes,


Curtis Chong, Legislative Cochair

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado



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