[Colorado-Talk] summer reading program "unlock the magic" 2022

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 21:09:38 UTC 2022

hello all,

well, it's that time again to sign up for the summer reading program
at the douglass county libaries. this year's theme is "unlock the

so, if you like to read for pleasure during the summer please sign up
for this awesome program that our libary is having. this event starts
from june 4th-july 31st. to sign up online just go to our website
athttps://dcl.org/summer-reading/ and, it's free to all!

it doesn't matter what type of book you wish to read it can be either
a tree book from our branch libaries or a digital book like through
audiable. if you live in the douglass countyy area like in lonetree,
highland ranch, parker, or castle rock then come in person to pick up
your sign up prize!

we jhave lots of prizes for all ages so, please sign up for this
exciting program that our libary offers every summer and, please pass
this onto all of your family, friends, co-workers, or people you
associate with in the area. it doesn't matter if you live in the
douglass county area all are welcome to join!

take care all and, have a awesome summer reading!

amy sabo

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