[Colorado-Talk] FW: Right to Repair Bills Hearings TOMORROW! Action needed by TONIGHT

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Mon Mar 21 21:46:37 UTC 2022

Hey there, let’s help out our friends at CCDC.  I know that many of our members use wheelchairs and we certainly know other folks who do.  


From: Julie Reiskin <llnstein at ccdconline.org> 
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 12:46 PM
To: slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Subject: Right to Repair Bills Hearings TOMORROW! Action needed by TONIGHT


 <https://mailchi.mp/ccdconline/today-at-1pm-learn-about-important-changes-to-ltss-7893402?e=2dd3574c6f> View this email in your browser 


Disability community, it's time to ACT.

It is crucial to take action now as

There are two bills in our legislature right now
(HB22-1290 and HB22-1031) that must be passed. 
Both bills will make it MUCH EASIER for
community members to have WHEELCHAIRS REPAIRED. 


It is crucial to take action now as
the "Right to Repair" bills are both being heard in house committees
TOMORROW, TUESDAY, March 22nd. This email contains updated information on the most effective ways to contact the Committee.


Below is all the information you will need to take action on these bills that, if passed, will empower our community to repair their wheelchairs easily and safely.

Learn about the Right to Repair bills here:
HB22-1290 is also known as the "Changes To Medicaid For Wheelchair Repairs" bill. This bill prohibits Medicaid from requiring prior authorization (PAR) for any repair of complex rehabilitation technology (CRT), such as powered wheelchairs. Click  <https://ccdconline.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d050b40a2ef66713771b9a342&id=3a3ffd3cb2&e=2dd3574c6f> HERE to learn about HB22-1290, and click  <https://ccdconline.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d050b40a2ef66713771b9a342&id=cab014a68e&e=2dd3574c6f> HERE as well to find a fact sheet/talking points created by CCDC explaining this bill and why it is important.

HB22-1031 is also known as the "Consumer Right To Repair Powered Wheelchairs" bill. This bill will give both people who own power wheelchairs and independent repair providers the ability to conduct maintenance and repair services to power wheelchairs. Click  <https://ccdconline.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d050b40a2ef66713771b9a342&id=c78d4ca54e&e=2dd3574c6f> HERE to learn about HB22-1031, and click  <https://ccdconline.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d050b40a2ef66713771b9a342&id=fc08a0b631&e=2dd3574c6f> HERE as well to find a fact sheet/talking points created by CCDC explaining this bill and why it is important.

You should take these two actions today to greatly help get these bills signed into law: 

First option for action:

*	Contact the Committee Members that will hear these bills on Tuesday, and tell them to VOTE YES on the bill to be heard. Again, you can share with them briefly about why this bill should be passed and how it will improve your life or the life of someone you care about. 
*	Please note that, the Right to Repair bills are being heard by different committees! 

*	To contact Committee Members who are hearing HB22-1290, the "Changes To Medicaid For Wheelchair Repairs" bill, click  <https://ccdconline.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d050b40a2ef66713771b9a342&id=995b804df1&e=2dd3574c6f> HERE. 
*	To contact Committee Members who are hearing HB22-1031, the "Consumer Right To Repair Powered Wheelchairs" bill, click  <https://ccdconline.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d050b40a2ef66713771b9a342&id=39dfdbdb7d&e=2dd3574c6f> HERE. 

Second option for action: 

*	Testify in support of one or both of the bills this Tuesday!! You can testify in person at the State Capitol Building OR remotely via Zoom! If you want to testify, please contact CCDC's Durable Medical Equipment Advocate, Jeanette Hensley, at  <mailto:jhensley at ccdconline.org> jhensley at ccdconline.org, and she can assist you with this process. You can also contact CCDC's Legislative Coordinator, Kenny Maestas, at  <mailto:kmaestas at ccdconline.org> kmaestas at ccdconline.org with questions you may have. 
*	If you are familiar with how to testify and want to sign yourself up to do so, remember that you MUST sign up ahead of Tuesday to participate! Please click on this link which allows you to register to testify in person or remotely:   <https://ccdconline.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d050b40a2ef66713771b9a342&id=66bd515614&e=2dd3574c6f> https://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf/signIn.xsp.
*	If you are interested in testifying in person, here is accessibility information: 

*	The south ground level public entrance of the State Capitol (14th Avenue and Sherman Street) is wheelchair accessible. Information about building accessibility and parking can be found here:  <https://ccdconline.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d050b40a2ef66713771b9a342&id=be262d8f6e&e=2dd3574c6f> https://leg.colorado.gov/node/1020196/
*	If you are in need of auxiliary aids or sign language interpreters, please contact Debbie Gunlien at 303-866-3521, as soon as possible, to make arrangements for those services

If you have any questions regarding either of the Right to Repair bills, what they mean, and/or how to take action to support them, please contact CCDC's Jeanette Hensley at  <mailto:jhensley at ccdconline.org> jhensley at ccdconline.org or at 303-839-1775
as soon as possible. 







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Denver, CO 80222-3324

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