[Colorado-Talk] State Convention Registration

lkb at labarrelaw.com lkb at labarrelaw.com
Sun Oct 16 17:53:59 UTC 2022

Good Morning, 


It seems that a great number of people have not yet registered for state
convention, and we are getting down to the wire.  I am pressed to turn in
meal numbers to the hotel on October 19. Do please take a few minutes to get
registered as soon as possible.  This year it will be extremely difficult if
not impossible, to add luncheons at convention, so I advise you to not make
that your plan.  Adding last minute banquet meals will not be an option, and
you will not want to miss out on, Beer Cheese Soup, a 7 oz. Petite Sirloin,
Marbled Crushed Potatoes, Bordelaise, Lemon Grilled Asparagus, and Espresso
Crème Brulé.  This meal is only guaranteed to those that register ahead of
convention.  If you try to register at the door for the banquet, you may
wind up with whatever the Chef can come up with.  It’s just not a good plan
for any of us. 


Following you will find the registration link. Do please attend to this as
soon as possible.  


68th Annual State Convention | National Federation of the Blind of Colorado
(nfbco.org) <https://nfbco.org/civicrm/event/register?id=4&reset=1> 


Thanks much, 


Lisa Bonderson

NFB of Colorado



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