[Colorado-Talk] Last Day to RSVP for Duncan's in-person retirement party

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 20:20:06 UTC 2023

Oh, you can also cal 303-778-1130 and tell Jen Spears if you want to
come in person. Call before midnight tonight!

On 8/28/23, Dan Burke <burke.dall at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all -
> Today is the deadline to respond if you want to attend the in-person
> retirement party for Duncan on September 1 beginning at 5 p.m. with
> dinner at the Center. This is in-person, so we Need an RSVP to ensure
> we will have enough food!
> RSVP by August 28 at this link, or call 303-778-1130 and let Jen
> Spears know you plan to come on September 1.
> We will stream the ceremonial portion of Duncan’s retirement party via
> Zoom beginning at 7 p.m. this Friday. This will be an audio stream
> only, with no back and forth. You won’t be able to unmute. You do not
> need to RSVP if you plan to be on Zoom. The ceremony will go for about
> one hour.
> Here’s the Zoom info:
> Topic: Duncan's Retirement Party
> Time: Sep 1, 2023 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://nfb-org.zoom.us/j/92825531890?pwd=cTAySVA2ZnNxOVlpbUFJaUxHZ2N0QT09
> Meeting ID: 928 2553 1890
> Passcode: 990122
> ---
> One tap mobile
> +17193594580,,92825531890# US
> +13462487799,,92825531890# US (Houston)
> --
> Dan Burke
> National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Legislative Co-chair
> President, NFB of Denver
> "Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"
> My Cell:  406.546.8546
> Twitter:  @DallDonal

Dan Burke

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Legislative Co-chair

President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"

My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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