[Colorado-Talk] In memory of Tom Anderson

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 02:19:44 UTC 2023

Dear friends and Federation family -

Julie and I are heart-broken to tell you that Tom Anderson, the
beloved first-Braille teacher at CCB and one of the two staff members
who opened the doors of the Colorado Center for the Blind in 1988 with
Diane McGeorge, died Tuesday afternoon. Tom had been in the hospital
for about two weeks in Kansas where he and his wife, Linda returned
after tom’s retirement from CCB in 2015. He passed quietly from this
life with his dear Linda holding one of his hands and his twin sister
Toni holding the other.

Tom had cancer nearly 20 years ago, but was cancer free until about
two years ago. He entered treatments and finished them early this
year. He and Linda came to the national convention in Houston, and it
was wonderful for all of us to see him. He was so obviously excited to
be back at the convention again. But he became ill after they returned
home and eventually was hospitalized.

Tom was a man of faith and a minister, having his own small church in
Littleton for a number of years. He was also a staunch, life-long
Federationist, holding many offices  at the chapter, state and
national levels, including the Denver Chapter President, the NFB of
Kansas state board, and the long-time President of the NFB in
Communities of Faith.

Tom was such a good man, a dedicated and patient teacher of Braille to
hundreds of blind students over the 27 years he taught at the Center,
if also exacting and sometimes stern. He embraced his nickname, “Dr.
Dots,” loved to page students late for his class with, “Henrietta, the
dots await your fingers,” and had one of the most endearing and
genuine laughs ever heard in the halls of CCB. No one had a laugh like
Tom’s, and he laughed often and easily.

Julie spoke with Linda this afternoon. At this time, there is no
public memorial scheduled. Please send Linda and the family your
prayers and positive thoughts.

Rest in peace, dear, kind and loving friend and teacher to so many.

Julie and Dan

Dan Burke

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Legislative Co-chair

President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"

My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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