[Colorado-Talk] FW: Region 8 Informational Session

doula.jarboe at gmail.com doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 4 02:55:59 UTC 2023

  Just passing this along for people's information.  Hope everyone is having
a fantastic convention whether there in person or attending virtually.




From: Penny Perry <PPerry at helenkeller.org> 
Sent: Monday, July 3, 2023 4:05 PM
To: Sandra.gabbard at mariondowns.org; Bonita.Adair4 at gmail.com;
luke.adams at state.co.us; reachsue at msn.com; games at mtc-inc.com;
erika.andersen at va.gov; lacy.anderson at state.co.us; ainc at aincolorado.org;
anthony_t at cde.state.co.us; steve.anton at state.co.us; kerry_auld at dpsk12.org;
sarah.aurich at state.co.us; dbarton at mtc-inc.com; Michael.Bastien at va.gov;
bbatron at cocenter.org; dbeams at comcast.net; julia.beems at ucdenver.edu;
janezberry at gmail.com; melody at ensightskills.org; anmol.bhatia at state.co.us;
Reggie.Bicha at state.co.us; EBillman at eastersealscolorado.org;
christy at familyvoicesco.org; leslie.blankis at gmail.com; bdbobbie72 at gmail.com;
sandy.bowen at unco.edu; scott.bowers at state.co.us; mstone316 at gmail.com;
Jennifer.Bramstedt at MHCD.org; shannon.brannan at state.co.us;
joelle.brouner at state.co.us; jadwiga.brown at state.co.us;
lisa.brown at state.co.us; stacie.brown at state.co.us; cbuchanan at drmac-co.org;
bucky at linguabee.com; veditzcenter at gmail.com; susan.buckland at tsa.dhs.gov;
Roberto.Cabrera at state.co.us; cheryl.carver at state.co.us; Timothy Chevalier
<timothy.chevalier at state.co.us>; Evalyn.Christensen at va.gov;
pchristy at peakparent.org; lchung04 at gmail.com; angela.ciesla at state.co.us;
lewanaclark at aol.com; Raymond.Clark at rmeservices.org; todd.coffey at state.co.us;
Samantha.Comitor at state.co.us; Kristin.Corash at state.co.us;
Silvia.Correa-Torres at unco.edu; admin at nationaldeaftherapy.com;
kimberlycrook at yahoo.com; KatieCue at state.co.us; jan.dabroski at comcast.net;
JessicaDallmanCounseling at gmail.com; tarica.diamond at comcast.net;
Selah.Davison at mhcd.org; martydawley at yahoo.com; ainc at aincolorado.org;
jdeden at cocenter.org; laverne.dell at state.co.us; janet at handsandvoices.org;
judy.dettmer at state.co.us; candrewdevault at vivage.com;
windingroadscounselingllc at gmail.com; tdyise at gmail.com; rdyson at cocenter.org;
tina.ektermanis at state.co.us; celstad at the-ic.org; william at teameei.org;
eevans at discovermygoodwill.org; swfelser at aurorak12.org;
jferguson at ilcpueblo.org; MORGAN_FITZPATRICK at dpsk12.org; brudfra at aol.com;
aubree.gabbard at mariondowns.org; Rebecca.Gardom at va.gov; Garrityjoe at aol.com;
ami at deafdove.org; liz.gerdeman at state.co.us; pgonzalez at creeclaw.org;
sgmterp at comcast.net; mgrahamkelly at gmail.com; nicole.grandberry at state.co.us;
grandydr at yahoo.com; cgraves at cfigj.org; ebgreen at utah.gov;
sharongr104 at aol.com; garryg at cscomps.com; carolynhaas at me.com; hhapke at rmds.co;
Ryan Hawkins <ryan.hawkins at state.co.us>; lahebbert at aurorak12.org;
krista.hedlund at state.co.us; ASl at TraciHeffernan.com;
Quintana_g at cde.state.co.us; slherzig at aol.com; sarahl.hill at state.co.us;
Joanne Hirsch <joanne.hirsch at state.co.us>; Michelle at HoaglandTerpSSP.com;
MHoffman at bhiinc.org; shook at vivage.com; jannlyn at gmail.com;
kevin.hughes at humanware.com; Lorraine.Hutcheson at state.co.us;
jlhutchins at aurorak12.org; nickisenberg at comcast.net; Doula.Jarboe at gmail.com;
christophers.johnson at state.co.us; Hunter at yellowtutoring.com;
Leilani.Johnson at unco.edu; cd1531Jordan at aol.com; Kalber_T at cde.state.co.us;
Sara at cohandsandvoices.org; AliseKermisch at gmail.com;
john.kilpatrick at state.co.us; david.kimball at state.co.us;
karen.klein at state.co.us; koekoenut at gmail.com; lorrie.kosinski at denvergov.org;
slabarre at nfbco.org; plannigan at discovermygoodwill.org; dlarsen at cocenter.org;
tslarson at q.com; cori at ensightskills.org; trish.leakey at state.co.us;
mleonard at utemountain.org; swanhilda.lily at denvergov.org;
slindeman at ilcpueblo.org; LUND1365 at msn.com; macleod_d at cde.state.co.us;
macleod_d at cde.state.co.us; samantha.mankin at state.co.us; al at deafdove.org;
jen427 at comcast.net; Michele.McCarthy at adams12.org; rmcgeorge at comcast.net;
cmmcgovern at aurorak12.org; veramarie at gmail.com;
marykate_mclaughlin at dpsk12.org; darcy at cpwd.org;
deborah.l.mendoza at adams12.org; michelbkranch at comcast.net; jmiller8 at frii.com;
cliff.moers at state.co.us; ajmorrissey95 at gmail.com; denny at ensightskills.org;
garrett.mumma at state.co.us; Katie at aspencamp.org; Charlesm.musso at irs.gov;
marknajera at gmail.com; wendynnajera at gmail.com; pamela.newton at va.gov;
staci at nwcci.org; cnoble at goodwilldenver.org; anovotny at rmds.co;
sharon at deafcs.com; stephanie.olson at childrenscolorado.org;
fen.orevba at hoganlovells.com; Deborah.Ortlip at state.co.us;
ROsgood at northglenn.org; juliaostberg9 at gmail.com; Alexis.Ozimek at state.co.us;
brendan at captioncolorado.com; Donnette.Patterson at ppcc.edu;
cdle_cortez_wfc at state.co.us; jenpeterson17 at gmail.com;
lori.petrick at state.co.us; lp82 at me.com; ariel_phillips at uhc.com;
Elizabeth.p at disabledresourceservices.org; mandy.turner at state.co.us;
Peter.Pike at state.co.us; james.pilkington at state.co.us;
mike.e.plansker at adams12.org; rebecca.porter at state.co.us;
Marja.Possner at MHCD.org; hracinowski79 at gmail.com; lramos at csdb.org;
michele.reed at state.co.us; diana.reeves at comcast.net; lriddle at cocenter.org;
erikaer at msn.com; arobertson at creeclaw.org; larobinson at aurorak12.org; Michelle
Robinson <michelle.robinson5 at va.gov>; stacy.roe at rrcc.edu;
love2sign2009 at yahoo.com; Sabrina at deafdove.org; Carmela at roseinterpreting.com;
tracy.rushing at state.co.us; Cindy.M.Sales at adams12.org;
hector.sanchez at state.co.us; BlindTechTraining at gmail.com;
bschaffner at peakparent.org; jschlose at ecentral.com; jschlose at ecentral.com;
jennifer.Scilacci at state.co.us; christy.scott at state.co.us;
rebecca.scott at hoganlovells.com; ryan.seeb at state.co.us;
DShackelford at discovermygoodwill.org; Josie.Shea at state.co.us;
ryan.shephard at linguabee.mail.intercom.io; paz1870 at aol.com;
psimmons at mtc-inc.com; clarisse.sw at mariondowns.org; simsjoseph at msn.com;
maggie at mtc-inc.com; sharonsloane.1 at gmail.com; rsmallwood at vivage.com;
rosegilad at yahoo.com; Heather.Solberg at va.gov; calspr at lakewoodco.org;
jennifer.stambaugh at purple.us; elsie.stecker at gmail.com;
Mary.Sterritt at mhcd.org; linda.stovall at state.co.us; shawnrsweet at gmail.com;
jana.tacl at ssa.gov; ltaylor at cfigj.org; audreymsw at gmail.com;
mtesler at tcg-systems.com; davidthomas523 at gmail.com; dave.m.thomas at du.edu;
jeanmtru at gmail.com; territupps at yahoo.com; AValerio at DiscoverMyGoodwill.org;
info at denveroptions.org; kittenpurr123 at hotmail.com; cyndevaughn at msn.com;
marlena.vaughn at yahoo.com; erika.villalobos9 at gmail.com; harleyrose67 at me.com;
ricky.wade at state.co.us; jill.wayne at mariondowns.org; joe at techyjoes.com;
Victoria.Wheeler at va.gov; maxpwilding at gmail.com; audrey.wille at state.co.us;
ElizabethWinslow at msn.com; lwoollen at americanrenal.com;
cwright at goodwilldenver.org; wvsdb2000 at outlook.com; adrienne_yang at dpsk12.org;
patricia.yeager at gmail.com; heidi.zimmer07 at gmail.com;
Zimmermann_J at cde.state.co.us; kierazink at gmail.com
Subject: Region 8 Informational Session


Good Afternoon!


I am excited to announce the next HKNC Information Session for the states of
Arizona, Utah, Colorado, North Dakota and South Dakota.

*	Curious about DeafBlind Awareness Week Activites?


*	Want to learn more about your neighbors? 


*	HKNC and their partners will share updates on Summer Activities and
the focus going forward.

There are some exciting events being planned for this summer and fall.  I
will also provide a few updates on happenings at the Helen Keller National


The Info Session will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, July 11th from 3:00 pm to
4:00 pm MST.  This event is FREE but registration is required.  The Zoom
session will be open captioned and interpreter support will be provided.  

Please use this link to sign up:  



I look forward to seeing you during this interactive discussion!




Johnathan Pringle - Region 8 Service Rep  (jpringle at helenkeller.org
<mailto:jpringle at helenkeller.org> )

Penny Perry - Administrative Assistant  (pperry at helenkeller.org
<mailto:pperry at helenkeller.org> )




Penny Perry | Administrative Assistant for Region Eight
Helen Keller National Center


Glendale, AZ  
(m) 1-208-220-2310
pperry at helenkeller.org <mailto:pperry at helenkeller.org>  
 <http://helenkeller.org/> helenkeller.org    

Join us at Helen Keller Services 

32nd Annual Golf Classic June 26, 2023 

 <https://www.helenkeller.org/golf/> https://www.helenkeller.org/golf/ 

HKS is committed to making documents accessible and usable to participants,
the HKS team and stakeholders.  
We recognize that accessibility is fluid and users are diverse.
Therefore, even though the document may meet accessibility guidelines, there
may be usability issues .
If you have any questions or concerns about a document you receive please
contact us

Penny Perry | Administrative Assistant
Helen Keller National Center


PPerry at helenkeller.org <mailto:PPerry at helenkeller.org>  
helenkeller.org <http://helenkeller.org>     

DeafBlind Awareness Week 2023


HKS is committed to making documents accessible and usable to participants,
the HKS team and stakeholders.  
We recognize that accessibility is fluid and users are diverse.
Therefore, even though the document may meet accessibility guidelines, there
may be usability issues .
If you have any questions or concerns about a document you receive please
contact us


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