[Colorado-Talk] Comment on Draft State Accessibility Rules by November 27, 2023

Chelsea Cook astrochem119 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 17:34:22 UTC 2023

Greetings NFB of Colorado:

The State of Colorado Governor’s Office of Information Technology is coming up with rules to clarify language and responsibilities set forth in HB21-1110, the law that requires all state and local governments to adhere to accessibility standards. Comments on the first draft of the rules are open now until November 27, at which time written comments will close for this version of the rules and there will be a verbal public comment meeting. To participate in this process, please do the following:

Take a look at the draft version of the Rules <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1rFKWIoAd3LEf-2Dx-2D05Q-5FLhnpX72HOYnfakf54iuBy4PY_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwMFaQ&c=sdnEM9SRGFuMt5z5w3AhsPNahmNicq64TgF1JwNR0cs&r=A9G2AnRqppdpfVXf5osYPt8zvlqxr-1KVjezwX_mezY&m=-Mx_Q5fFmhgB_bwjS55JrtRISx2FmL_aCADJhrXG2ae-bP0hwtNcBdWGoLP9_PqT&s=YMm7OawgY4yjlkk3Fl3SEOoMoCkV1iVaW_zI0e1VnFA&e=> 
Submit your feedback using this Survey form <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_forms_d_e_1FAIpQLSdT9fuUB0jsyVAsTddPnoWOwbbf07nC3SCE7WXRhlH4xaGfWA_viewform&d=DwMFaQ&c=sdnEM9SRGFuMt5z5w3AhsPNahmNicq64TgF1JwNR0cs&r=A9G2AnRqppdpfVXf5osYPt8zvlqxr-1KVjezwX_mezY&m=-Mx_Q5fFmhgB_bwjS55JrtRISx2FmL_aCADJhrXG2ae-bP0hwtNcBdWGoLP9_PqT&s=W0A21QepFF0AhMUvthu8T02kf7WMOu4dgqaQ2XBVR1c&e=>. 
A Listening session is also scheduled for Nov 27th where parties may submit their comments verbally.
Draft Technology Accessibility Rules Listening Session, Nov. 27, 1:30 to 3:30, p.m.
Registration to attend the listening session <https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsfuuprDsvHdNxNcEHKG7Oc03AQu3U8Bic>
Here is the full Invitation to Comment on Draft accessibility Rules <https://docs.google.com/document/d/19KRHAdaxk_ZiMPZnNDqln0cypz189ysODj1gV1oERYA/edit>. Note that this isn't the only comment period, so if you miss it don't worry; the rules will go through several versions and there will be more opportunities to comment, especially in December and January.

All the links above except for the Zoom registration open in Google docs, so appropriate screen reader shortcuts and recommended browsers (Chrome) are advised. Also note, in the invitation, there is a Tips for Writing Effective comments link and even though the accommodations period in the notice has passed, OIT Rules will still take accommodation requests for the meeting on November 27th.

If you have questions, please direct them to the rule making team at OIT by sending an email to: oit_rules at state.co.us <mailto:oit_rules at state.co.us>. We recognize this may seem a confusing process and want your input so the rules can be as specific and accurate as possible.

Chelsea Cook, Technology Accessibility Program
State of Colorado
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