[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: A Note for Giving Tuesday on Our Students Giving Back

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 01:55:39 UTC 2023

[Five blind people unpack, carry and shelve food items along with a food
bank staffer.]
 Giving back is meaningful. Here, Rose and Aaron unpack a newly-delivered
box at the food bank. D carries a box, while IFCS staffer Tara brings over
a cart stacked with cartons. Eliza and Greg shelve items from the cart for
later distribution. Our students and staff volunteer once a month at nearby
IFCS, and every month a different group makes the trip.
Yes, every December we ask for your support for our programs [1] that teach
innovative and challenging blindness skills, imbue our students with a
belief in themselves as blind people, and build the confidence to pursue
their dreams. We believe in blind people, but we also believe in blind
people giving back.

This year, our staff and students have volunteered every month at a nearby
food bank – Integrated Family Community Services. (IFCS) – doing a
variety of tasks, including unloading trucks, unpacking, and shelving food

And to help out with IFCS’s food drive this month, we delivered more than
20 bags of food items on the IFCS list – all of it collected or donated
by our students and staff.

Why tell you this when we are coming to you for support in this season of
giving? Because our programs aren’t just about our students getting jobs,
though they are about our students getting jobs. They aren’t just about
our students’ newly-gained confidence that they can live independently,
though of course our programs are about our students being able to live
independently. We tell you this because our programs are also about our
students and their need for a sense of purpose and value in their
communities. We know that blind people want to give back, and are too often
steered away from doing so. Not surprisingly, this is a very popular
voluntary activity. And it’s not just about getting out of an afternoon
of classes, though it could be that too!(grin)

"It is such a great opportunity for our students," says Braille Instructor
Eliza Portugal. "Our students want to help others, but often don't know how
they can do that. This experience gives them the opportunity to learn that
they can. And it's fun!"

We believe blind people can do anything, including giving back! Every day,
we encourage and challenge each student—and they come to understand their
potential as they build the skills and confidence to live the life they
want. Because when you believe in yourself and experience a thriving
community of positive blind people, nothing can hold you back from pursuing
your dreams.

Please consider giving to the Colorado Center for the Blind. While today if
Giving Tuesday around the globe, Colorado Gives Day is Dec. 5. That means
our CO Gives page is active [2] and you can give today [2] or any time
through next Tuesday! Donations between now and 11:59 PM MST on Dec. 5
qualify us for a percentage of the generous First Bank $1 Million Incentive

It’s easy to give, and giving back is so meaningful!

[Colorado Gives Day Logo 2023] [1]

[1] https://u23754554.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=HYeveyZivp7ImFFJx5B1nXtjLnmm1lR1x9zT5Ap9V4Mc6kKoR4ta14kEj8ZOK8-2FEskGChPlIQVq1F9IX-2Bkv9GQ-3D-3D9yeg_xiK-2BVJT8D5Du50mumxghPzvRIqoRHlzCWLek8M3xY9p6dAqvmKdJMJguaPHNxmWCUts825loxJZuXybcYmO2Jucu-2F2nGQHWh6QACHBScss3WUf2SJ0BXQyFrXWwd1bLCKkHJH33OiF2PrHbSv-2FBjKYsC5l5ZMW4KNhJZKt-2FGp4qpGBOTqj9pAP3tnnT9bblT28AQh3gW1sjTHFzO-2FQLgl9XG-2BXTIuI-2Bi7UwHbhuPGIOOvZjEWamkPO8c9uD5yY4k700mXFJVxcD0T51z-2BTGuWu5kP94SIvjq9dkiq0qyGO4-3D
[2] https://u23754554.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=hpMeTEftYWu54NzMqR19IfOjQEa2F5e8f2t7tZB7qQCzd2d-2BMpJmnytVtewXNmMcZSl4Twj86PB23IplmmPN4Q-3D-3DmyoT_xiK-2BVJT8D5Du50mumxghPzvRIqoRHlzCWLek8M3xY9p6dAqvmKdJMJguaPHNxmWCUts825loxJZuXybcYmO2Jucu-2F2nGQHWh6QACHBScss3WUf2SJ0BXQyFrXWwd1bLCKkHJH33OiF2PrHbSv-2FBjKYoX23Q4zDauswzWXsVLYuprD5gj-2BEMIOSpwnlOlsCciw5htwZpq3L8lmtxIksRbGX4RZNXd5evqwpTuRor8384EKJ9bJIdSJOuQ-2Fo4CJsDQvepl4CEGNKtRtkdQl3haQBBMkMTTXhNrTF6GjBLJi9I-3D

Colorado Center for the Blind <br/>
Phone: (303) 778 1130<br/>
2233 West Shepperd Ave
Littleton, CO 80120
United States

Web: <a href="https://u23754554.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=hpMeTEftYWu54NzMqR19IaH-2F5XU1akXWbH-2B7gm482Ck-3D7V4M_xiK-2BVJT8D5Du50mumxghPzvRIqoRHlzCWLek8M3xY9p6dAqvmKdJMJguaPHNxmWCUts825loxJZuXybcYmO2Jucu-2F2nGQHWh6QACHBScss3WUf2SJ0BXQyFrXWwd1bLCKkHJH33OiF2PrHbSv-2FBjKWpzzbj-2FkiRP4YDJmwxQdbDcGf-2B3aVnKusxZNncDoC613MmCpfU9uYWDwiIIVfuPTU9vmKdK1XPhjaops-2Bcphm-2F9oL7zlog-2FrQ8gtf-2Bf2woSE8XAflcPZdAFW2aoBivOF6n8gY1I-2FAKcz33WTDA-2BfNk-3D>cocenter.org</a><br/>
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<br/>Click the following link to <a

Dan Burke

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Legislative Co-chair

President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"

My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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