[Colorado-Talk] Guide Dogs and Whiskey!

Lisa Bonderson lbonderson at cocenter.org
Tue Aug 6 18:28:34 UTC 2024

Good afternoon,

The National Federation of the Blind of Colorado knows about blindness and guide dogs. Talnua knows their whiskey.

You are cordially invited to a special event on Saturday August 10 from 3:00 to 6:00 pm.

Learn the real story about how blind people navigate life using these amazing animals. Enjoy a presentation from Michael Hingson. Mike is the author of the NY Times best-selling book Thunder Dog. Mike recounts his harrowing experience in the World Trade Center on 9/11. He and his faithful guide dog, Roselle escaped from the 80th floor of the World Trade Center.

You will also enjoy meeting the puppies and the dedicated families who raise them before they move on to training at a school and being placed with a blind handler.

You will have the opportunity to go on a Juno Walk, which is an exercise that simulates travel with a guide dog. You will get to walk with a guide dog and a guide dog mobility instructor, who will vary the pace and pull and determine a person’s comfort zone for both of these factors, giving you an idea of how blind people learn to apply sensory awareness and travel skills in a practical way.

Talnua’s creative and friendly staff will be on hand for you to purchase your favorite signature cocktails and we will provide a charcuterie tray to accompany your beverages. We hope to see you there!

All ticket proceeds will help the National Federation for the Blind with programs that are of great importance to our mission.

Please click on the following link to purchase tickets to join us for this fun event.

Talnua Whiskey Distillery is located at
5405 West 56th Avenue, Arvada, CO 80002<https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=debdc29875d7c092JmltdHM9MTcyMjkwMjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNzZiYTQxMy03ZDA1LTZmMWEtMzcwNS1iNDlhN2NkYzZlNWMmaW5zaWQ9NTUyMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=076ba413-7d05-6f1a-3705-b49a7cdc6e5c&u=a1L21hcHM_Jm1lcGk9MTA5fn5Ub3BPZlBhZ2V-QWRkcmVzc19MaW5rJnR5PTE4JnE9VGFsbnVhJTIwRGlzdGlsbGVyeSZzcz15cGlkLllOODczeDE2OTI5NDM0MzU4ODE5MzgyNDQ5JnBwb2lzPTM5LjgwMDU4Mjg4NTc0MjE5Xy0xMDUuMDU1MjEzOTI4MjIyNjZfVGFsbnVhJTIwRGlzdGlsbGVyeV9ZTjg3M3gxNjkyOTQzNDM1ODgxOTM4MjQ0OX4mY3A9MzkuODAwNTgzfi0xMDUuMDU1MjE0JnY9MiZzVj0xJkZPUk09TVBTUlBM&ntb=1>.

Lisa Bonderson
NFB of Colorado
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