[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: Action Alert: Tell legislators to support more accessible travel!

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Sun Feb 18 22:38:26 UTC 2024

FYI - Two bills sponsored by Rep. David Ortiz.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Colorado Cross Disability Coalition <info at ccdconline.org>
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2024 18:02:06 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Action Alert: Tell legislators to support more accessible travel!
To: Daniel Burke <burke.dall at gmail.com>

Dear Community,

We need you to tell legislators on the House Transportation, Housing
and Local Government Committee to support accessible travel by voting
YES on HB 1161 <http://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb24-1161> and HB 1165
<http://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb24-1165>. Both bills are scheduled to
be heard in committee on February 21st at 1:30pm.

What do these bills do?

HB 1161 would ensure that vehicle peer-to-peer sharing services have a
place where someone wishing to offer their vehicle for sharing can
list whether or not their vehicle has adaptive equipment. This bill
also mandates that newly constructed EV charging stations are
accessible. Finally, HB 1161 would help ensure that accessible spaces
in parking lots are not blocked by things like snow removal or food

HB 1165 seeks to increase the accessibility of Denver International
Airport. While the state of Colorado is not able to regulate the
airlines themselves, we can ensure that our flagship airport is as
welcoming to disabled travelers as possible.

How you can help:

  - Email <https://ujoin.co/campaigns/2814/actions/public?action_id=3489>
committee members and tell them to vote YES on both bills. We have a
handy tool that makes it easy to send one email and reach all
committee members. You can access that tool HERE
<https://ujoin.co/campaigns/2814/actions/public?action_id=3489>. The
email form is editable, so if you have a personal story, be sure to
include it in your email!

  - Testify on Wednesday. You can testify in person or remotely. You
need to sign-up in order to testify. You can do that on the Colorado
General Assembly website HERE

  - If you want to testify and are new to testifying or have
questions, please email our legislative coordinator, Kenny Maestas at
kmaestas at ccdonline.org

One more thing: Don't forget to register for Disability Advocacy Day
on March 7th! All of the information you need about the event and the
registration page can be found HERE.

P.S. - If this email was forwarded to you and you'd like to receive
alerts and information delivered to your own inbox, become a membe
<https://ccdc.joylabco.com/take-action/membership/>r! It's free!

Daniel --

Colorado Cross Disability Coalition

www.ccdconline.org <ccdconline.org>

Colorado Cross Disability Coalition · CO 80011, United States

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Dan Burke

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado Legislative Co-chair

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"

My Cell:  406.546.8546

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