[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: New Leaves Signal Project Progress, Current Project Activities

Gary Van Dorn garyvdrn at msn.com
Sat May 4 15:15:03 UTC 2024

Begin forwarded message:

From: 16th Street Mall Updates <16thstreetmall at denvergov.org>
Subject: New Leaves Signal Project Progress, Current Project Activities
Date: April 30, 2024 at 16:49:25 MDT
To: <garyvdrn at msn.com>
Reply-To: 16th Street Mall Updates <16thstreetmall at denvergov.org>

View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/3b5cd8d1f3e0/16th-street-mall-pre-construction-activities-update-10930571?e=0e4069ae0b>

New Leaves Signal Project Progress on 16th Street


Springtime on 16th Street is looking greener than ever as the first of the new trees start to bud. The project team has completed planting trees between Market and Arapahoe Streets (Blocks 1-3), and continues to make progress between Arapahoe and Curtis Streets (Block 4).

Tree planting, which occurs late in Phase 1 of a block's reconstruction, signals the approach of Phase 2 when sidewalk pavers are installed. Phase 2 is the last stretch of construction that requires full-block fencing. Once the sidewalk pavers are complete, the bulk of the fencing comes down and is isolated to smaller areas for a few days at a time while play and shade structures, seating, lighting, and Moments of Joy<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=9f24d4e536&e=0e4069ae0b> are installed to complete each block.

As springtime emerges on 16th Street, the project team is eager to bring the first four blocks (Market to Curtis Street) of the Mall through their final stages of reconstruction. To find individual block timelines, please visit our Current Project Activities<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=ee0c7c64b4&e=0e4069ae0b> page — block-by-block drop downs show current activities, milestone progress and schedules for each block.

Current Project Activities

General Project Activity Notes:

  *   All construction activities are schedule and weather-dependent and subject to change
  *   Work may require intermittent lane closures at intersections between Wazee and Broadway throughout construction. Pedestrian and business access will be maintained
  *   Intersections will have various crosswalk closures for the duration of the project. At least three of the four crosswalks will be open at all times. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location

Blake to Market (Block 0)

  *   Utility work underway:
     *   Full block, curb-to-curb fencing between Blake and Market began April 8 lasting through early-June. North and south sidewalks are open.
     *   Reconstruction work in this block will be limited to underground utility work and repaving the transitway. Business access will be maintained.

Market to Larimer (Block 1)

  *   Phase 2 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=abcce13fc4&e=0e4069ae0b>
     *   North and south sidewalks are closed with pedestrians routed to walkway in center transitway
     *   Five-foot walkways provide access from center walkway to businesses on the south side of 16th Street. Businesses on the north side can be accessed from Market and Larimer Streets
  *   Market intersection:
     *   Double, right-lane closure on Market began April 10, lasting through early-May. This will be followed by a double, left-lane closure lasting through early-June
     *   Three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers to a safe crossing location

Larimer to Lawrence (Block 2)

  *   Phase 2 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=2ad29a2654&e=0e4069ae0b>
     *   North and south sidewalks are closed with pedestrians routed to walkway in center transitway
     *   Five-foot walkways provide access from center walkway to businesses on either side of 16th Street
  *    Larimer intersection:
     *   Full intersection closure began April 17, lasting through late-May. See detour map here<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=e33dedefe5&e=0e4069ae0b>
     *   Three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers to a safe crossing location

Lawrence to Arapahoe (Block 3)

  *   Phase 1 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=05edf57cc2&e=0e4069ae0b>
  *   Lawrence intersection:
     *   Single, left-lane closure on Lawrence began on Feb. 15, lasting through the spring
     *   Three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location

Arapahoe to Curtis (Block 4)

  *   Phase 1-2 Combo<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=9d7349a8ad&e=0e4069ae0b> (south side only) improvements underway
     *   Full closure of south sidewalk began April 20, 2023, lasting through the spring
  *   Arapahoe intersection:
     *   Single, left-lane closure on Arapahoe began July 19, 2023, lasting through the spring
     *   Three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location

Curtis to Champa (Block 5)

  *   Phase 1 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=c4de072c9e&e=0e4069ae0b>
  *   Curtis intersection:
     *   Single, left-lane closure on Curtis began April 15, lasting through the spring
     *   Three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location

Champa to Stout (Block 6)

  *   Phase 1 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=7bdc6a8c2e&e=0e4069ae0b>

Stout to California (Block 7)

  *   Phase 1 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=16d0a33097&e=0e4069ae0b>
     *   East crosswalk shift began April 5, lasting through June
        *   Pedestrians cross 16th Street approximately 70 feet east of Stout Street within the block between Stout and California streets. Follow project fencing and signage
     *   Stout intersection:
        *   Full intersection closure began Feb. 21, lasting through the spring. See detour map here<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=73a1b04405&e=0e4069ae0b>
        *   Three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location

California to Welton (Block 8)

  *   Phase 1 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=cb350a1f6b&e=0e4069ae0b>

Welton to Glenarm (Block 9)

  *   Phase 1 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=abe308e85a&e=0e4069ae0b>
  *   Welton intersection:
     *   Welton has been reduced to two lanes — one southbound and one northbound. This began Dec. 5, 2023, and will last through the spring

Glenarm to Tremont (Block 10)

  *   Phase 1 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=b1bd4cfff3&e=0e4069ae0b>
  *   Glenarm intersection:
     *   Utility work is occurring on Glenarm Place and in the Glenarm intersection. This began Nov. 9, 2023, lasting through early-May. Pedestrian and bike access is maintained
     *   Three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location

Tremont to Court (Block 11)

  *   Phase 1-2 Combo<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=55c84a4837&e=0e4069ae0b> (south side only) improvements underway
  *   Tremont Intersection:
     *   Full intersection closure began March 11, lasting through early-May. See detour map here<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=eb10721e8f&e=0e4069ae0b>.
        *   This will be followed by single lane closures lasting through late-June
     *   Three of the four crosswalks at each intersection will remain open. Follow signage and plastic water barriers, where present, to a safe crossing location

Court to Cleveland (Block 12)

  *   Preconstruction utility work underway:
     *   South sidewalk closure on east side of block began Jan. 10, lasting through early-June. Businesses can be accessed from Court and Cleveland Place

Cleveland to Broadway (Block 13)

  *   Phase 1 of improvements underway<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=e8eb42369d&e=0e4069ae0b>
     *   See bike lane detour here<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=4e1fc8498c&e=0e4069ae0b>. Bicyclists who remain on Cleveland Place and East 16th Avenue must dismount and use the crosswalks and sidewalk

Expected Work Hours

Workdays and hours are anticipated to be Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekend work will occur between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. A noise variance was approved in January 2024 which allows work to take place throughout the night under specific circumstances<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=72c6cdafe6&e=0e4069ae0b>. Affected parties will be notified 7 days in advance if night work will be taking place.

Heavy equipment may operate between hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., any day of the week. Material deliveries and staging may occur overnight. All project activities and schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change.

Due to schedule and sequencing, not all active blocks will have activities occurring at all times. To see the latest updates on work, you can check the Current Project Activities page on the website<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=21c2d0ae98&e=0e4069ae0b>.
RTD Free MallRide

The RTD Free MallRide continues to run during the 16th Street Mall Project, rerouted to 15th and 17th streets. The MallRide will begin to gradually return to 16th Street in fall of 2024 as consecutive blocks open along the Mall. The detour is currently from Wazee Street to Civic Center Station. For more information on RTD's Free MallRide detours, click here<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=db8f68a4db&e=0e4069ae0b>.
Business Support

The City and County of Denver and the Downtown Denver Partnership have developed a Small Business Support Program<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=fee9791939&e=0e4069ae0b> to assist businesses potentially impacted by 16th Street Mall construction throughout the multi-year construction period. Check if your business is now eligible on the Business Support page<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=45950c5861&e=0e4069ae0b> of the 16th Street Mall Project website. Questions? Email edprograms at downtowndenver.com<mailto:edprograms at downtowndenver.com>.
Connect with the Project Team

Virtual Office Hours

Each month, project team members will host a virtual office hours to provide project information and answer questions from the public. The next virtual office hours will be held on May 23, 2024 from noon – 12:30 p.m. To RSVP and receive a meeting link, click here<https://cig-pr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a&id=950b455805&e=0e4069ae0b>. If that time won’t work with your schedule, we are also happy to set up a different time to meet in-person or virtually.

[https://mcusercontent.com/fc34ba15e6547b8d998f63f6a/images/f89662d4-68a3-0e0a-15bb-41492601f16c.png]Mobile App
Need 16th Street Mall information on the go? Download our mobile app to:

  *   Access the overview map of project activities
  *   Learn about the project and each construction phase
  *   Find businesses along the Mall
  *   Sign up for block-by-block notifications on construction impacts, phase changes and more to best plan your route
  *   Connect with the project team with concerns or questions from your mobile device

To download the app, go to the Apple Store or Google Play store and search “16th Street Mall Project."

 Clean & Safe Mobile App

Directly report non-emergency public safety and maintenance concerns in Downtown Denver. The Clean & Safe Program covers the Business Improvement District for the 120 blocks of Downtown Denver, including LoDo, Upper Downtown and the Convention Center corridor.

To download the app, go to the Apple Store or Google Play store and search “Clean & Safe - Downtown Denver."


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CIG PR · 1660 Lincoln St Ste 1800 · Denver, CO 80264-9906 · USA

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