[Colorado-Talk] FW: Public Input Requested: Rights of Coloradans with Disabilities

Sat Oct 12 19:44:02 UTC 2024

Hello friends,
Sorry if this has already been shared here, I’ve been off the list for a few weeks and just got reinstated the other day with the good  support from the fantastic Paul
Please take some time to share your thoughts for this appeal for input.
Have a wonderful weekend

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Carrie Steele <carrie at confluencepsg.com<mailto:carrie at confluencepsg.com>>
Date: Thu, Oct 10, 2024 at 12:36 PM
Subject: Public Input Requested: Rights of Coloradans with Disabilities
To: Berrick Abramson <berrick at confluencepsg.com<mailto:berrick at confluencepsg.com>>

Good afternoon.

You are receiving this email either because you expressed interest in the work of the Task Force Relating to the Rights of Coloradans with Disabilities OR a member of the task force asked that we share this information with you. On behalf of the Task Force, we are excited to share the website for public input<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://engagedora.org/1296-public-input__;!!PUG2raq7KiCZwBk!Y74mLUPynnnVibwCELzQ3_IXwTBrvJJJCJORjZYhjMEyELIf4NjWb3AkJ59wR4CDtP8wx4UbNduLO6GwKkaH28o6yck$> on all ideas developed by each of the four subcommittees of the Task Force.

For nearly a year, 40+ people have generously given their time and expertise to develop these ideas that can lead to transformational changes. The Task Force is developing the ideas on a broad range of issues from housing and outdoor recreation to government services and the rights detailed in Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA). In addition to the website for public input, we have also distilled some of these complex ideas into digestible summaries for public sharing, all of which you can find on the EngageDORA website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://engagedora.org/1296-public-input__;!!PUG2raq7KiCZwBk!Y74mLUPynnnVibwCELzQ3_IXwTBrvJJJCJORjZYhjMEyELIf4NjWb3AkJ59wR4CDtP8wx4UbNduLO6GwKkaH28o6yck$>.

The window for public input will remain open through October 25th, following which we will consolidate the responses for subcommittee members to consider as they form their official recommendations that will go to the executive committee for consideration in December to inform their final report which will be released in January of 2025.

We welcome your feedback on these ideas and encourage you to share with your networks so the subcommittees have broad feedback to consider as they write their final reports.

If you are interested in joining any of the Task Force or subcommittee meetings to follow the discussions or to provide public comment, meeting details are available on the Task Force website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://engagedora.org/rights-of-coloradans-with-disabilities__;!!PUG2raq7KiCZwBk!Y74mLUPynnnVibwCELzQ3_IXwTBrvJJJCJORjZYhjMEyELIf4NjWb3AkJ59wR4CDtP8wx4UbNduLO6GwKkaHM4lBX4o$> where you will also find links to past meeting materials and videos of each meeting.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the Task Force, and please feel free to reach out with any questions.



Policy Director | Senior Project Manager

carrie at confluencepsg.com<mailto:carrie at confluencepsg.com> | www.confluencepsg.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.confluencepsg.com/__;!!PUG2raq7KiCZwBk!Y74mLUPynnnVibwCELzQ3_IXwTBrvJJJCJORjZYhjMEyELIf4NjWb3AkJ59wR4CDtP8wx4UbNduLO6GwKkaHjCk64cM$>

303.551.6989 (o) | 303.910.6169 (m)

Connect with me: LinkedIn<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.linkedin.com/in/carriesteele2023/__;!!PUG2raq7KiCZwBk!Y74mLUPynnnVibwCELzQ3_IXwTBrvJJJCJORjZYhjMEyELIf4NjWb3AkJ59wR4CDtP8wx4UbNduLO6GwKkaHUGJoHH8$>

Follow Confluence PSG: LinkedIn<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.linkedin.com/company/confluence-policy-strategy-group/__;!!PUG2raq7KiCZwBk!Y74mLUPynnnVibwCELzQ3_IXwTBrvJJJCJORjZYhjMEyELIf4NjWb3AkJ59wR4CDtP8wx4UbNduLO6GwKkaHnSEbCEU$> | Twitter<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/ConfluencePSG__;!!PUG2raq7KiCZwBk!Y74mLUPynnnVibwCELzQ3_IXwTBrvJJJCJORjZYhjMEyELIf4NjWb3AkJ59wR4CDtP8wx4UbNduLO6GwKkaHdihoaRo$>

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Confluence PSG is committed to hosting meetings that are inclusive and fully accessible to all attendees and presenters. If you have any specific accommodations requests, please reach out to carrie at confluencepsg.com<mailto:carrie at confluencepsg.com> or call 303-910-6169.

Theresa Montano
Senior Solutions Architect of Accessibility PMP/CSM
Technology Accessibility Program

P 303.862.1683
1575 Sherman Street, Denver, CO 80203
State Scoop Innovation Award 2022
International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)
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