[Community-service] an informal community service meeting at national convention

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 08:17:37 UTC 2010

hello all,

 I would like to  extend an invitation to all who will be at
convention to meet in my room to have an informal meeting regarding
the possibility of a community service presence in the NFB.  I would
like to take  about an hour to talk about  what we think the benifits
of encouraging community involvement  in the lives of the blind can do
for the person and the community around as as well as do for  the
perceptions of the blind person. I also want to get a corps group of
people who are willing to work with me on establishing either a
division  or committee  to conduct business at conventions following
this. I would like to meet on tuesday of the convention at  9p.m.
  If you are interested, please do  let me know if you can attend and
leave me a way to contact  you during the convention.  Shoot me an
E-mail at dsmithnfb at gmail.com
  best, Darian

Darian Smith
list- serve: community-service at nfbnet.org
Skype: The_Blind_Truth
Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/goldengateace

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are
spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Teilhard de Chardin

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