[Community-service] Fwd: National Service Briefing: Happy International Youth Day!
ds94124 at aol.com
ds94124 at aol.com
Fri Aug 10 03:02:12 UTC 2012
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
> From: YSA <nsbinfo at ysa.org>
> Date: August 9, 2012 7:28:09 PM PDT
> To: ds94124 at aol.com
> Subject: National Service Briefing: Happy International Youth Day!
> Reply-To: nsbinfo at ysa.org
> Having trouble viewing this email?
> Click here
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> National Service Briefing [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WMY4gm2LaJEgiLjfJca9twR8sFqbRZOayZ-D9w4Xb6ZVENN2KmkV77RXaMxnZ0FcBSP4wD_lxFAqN2xspSCwtVcIh00w07WPBJV0HMYC3EAIQ==]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YSA Logo [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WN-JOlvKcmyVl2Lqk9Ecf4ULF-5J8GaZUzYFk6NWOE8444Ih38kg5QsjfePzWSTxTPr9Nb9RZTd8Xe4aueXksKt-nBe4y2lavY=]National Service Briefing
> published by Youth Service America
> August 9, 2012
> Volume 19, No. 32
> Circulation: 41,000
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Happy International Youth Day!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> YSA invites you to join us in celebrating International Youth Day 2012! On this
> International Youth Day, YSA recognizes the thousands of young people who led 2012 Global Youth Service Day projects [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WN7EpgkbR6pAAdnrlNYWwWTtz533hJQJt6Xpff5MGjTTrAboJDMZe8UZxpxQVM151stwfKofhenk4T2zPFz95QhQBplHWmVzp6entWHmjzJOifm6nN2qpDLzA4-CaKNLb8=]in 107 countries [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPCREqE6K-tSw0N928wzugRyNXsG4fLvXG3yZDMoLuXA8atFZIG-2IyUEmAbio9tlxXl7WZBg8c1jyfiqcoq4vDfJQdRfNs9G7_e9Yqtaf-TQ==], our 2012 GYSD
> Regional Partners [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPP_Pfy0ZSMHsaMUO2lOxLYaOgGRho_S8qFPxCN175J7o2XkZ5769z4eBmIDGpwwU7vT8ItVzc8HzqT2P05o6wo5kVRaTjt8YxuzosOLCQiTXHf7w6_k2GP_QppZllbtic=]& Country Partners [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPrrWtQ0Ylq45_jGbTL8iGEcGJ56l7FHzjfMZtNyHOOm8FlK5iKDZAMqB-CJ1w0nD_p6MXK7n5_mtMFW2seZ-_oodB8YtRKeURJ7aFRziLH_QrGwm4yrtOWVM_OyNX1C-f0R2G1ORx3PCDGohbgQH3k1Bxj6Tcn3Bm-H0Vzrj2KpIsuVlT8LltN], and our partnership with Disney.
> In 2012, YSA's partnership with Disney expanded to reach more young people than
> ever before and for the first time, YSA ran the Disney Friends for Change Grants
> program in three languages--English, Spanish and Portuguese. The diversity of projects
> mirror the diversity of cultures and youth interests around the word, yet they all
> have one thing in common: young people taking the lead in improving their communities.
> Read more about YSA and Disney: Finding Friends for Change Around the
> Globe! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNz9qRkmKmqxtFD8AB0gFDbQLsGSMdKQKnjTQ5KdSKezW5losRjB_iuyVpo7vdNRgn9xDcOgSj21jMN4DT77_y-G1oAjBjxfNe4uc3xnLhltvU04ECNsNi1vRK--1y2BQQXfVeW5CQfOVjtlNmiq5XYd8JjMe9eFY6FgaAbA0bHlIsEmHTdCnTJ2eU1Y9yvpU25uNHW6FfUtQ==]YSA's partners are also celebrating Interational Youth Day by hosting conversations
> on Twitter:
> IDB Youth wants to have a conversation with young social innovators and agents of
> change. Join IDB Youth in celebrating International Youth Day 2012 on Twitter by
> sharing your ideas, opinions, thoughts with @BIDJuventud [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPQ5Ap07hkMHN8txR2RPC_259zeeQglx-1uuY5k5VteHg9_7jtpoTtP3tYhWd0iSucmF-HVdtbwG9WAzZ-zJrZWEVBgml7j9lyGa_Z6bFZZTgJm4Gjfi7iN]on August 13, 2012, from 10am to 11am EST. www.iadb.org/IDBinnovators [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNxbIxYk91rI7H26wq6YqxtoFL4vBVKnTtXNyIcEmowu4kSxEelZGC8V7GAskfVRnsXnFAuIzfXQtsYnoynvWWh8ri0jlRsJ1nFvUTxH-pOzuXZ-VVTGGEa]In honor of International Youth Day, CIPE (@cipeglobal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WOS6H7mnMepxBHuXKmI6UqX_aTf6iXBUQZiIpBUq-jL7JihpShHr4Sc2ZQOmHSLOklov3sadHHnt44h0Q4S-YiQFr_PXYF8MupINxCyiG8xM2LruniTGMT-]) and Atlas Corps (@atlascorps [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPr0bB1J23q0__-AGF5f18bQtyELabPQ7PFQcjho5B1vqGDrDjrneqUc_tlIMLJG6e-RZ36DS7ZREopDSxXxz1zeuHd6rbqH_TL2KtOorWyh1Yw2cti-1fu]) invite you to join them for a week of Twitter chats
> starting August 13, 2012 on the theme of "Building a Better World: Partnering with
> Youth." They'll will be bringing together young thinkers, reformers, activists,
> and entrepreneurs from around the world to discuss how young people can participate
> in the development of democracy and become effective agents for political and economic
> change. http://www.atlascorps.org/blog/?p=1200 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WMSUgF-e91n_aOiNzVHO5FnmUGAkYjQvSvgtrn859MkV6wdPW0A9M_nANB5rFDQNwQ_yv6I0o4G8hY_4cfKRmhj0solXzZmiu3nwV0ZBjyRef1NJIBb3RC1A7I8drxinc8=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> News From the Field
> Register Your 9/11 National Day of Service & Remembrance Projects
> It's time to register your service projects into the national database for the 9/11
> Day Observance.
> If you're planning a project for 9/11, or want to list other opportunities around
> that time, please take a moment to register your project on All For Good [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNANN1xYZ5xnTQjSSk9l2WocbY_xwZmuDn2ZW0GavIKUHBxvkoBEPQfdA42IMn8mYgzF38O5j1HESsHL75KGfFw0Z7JxE5fWgI_7gFPzkVGFdY2D2C4R29C]and VolunteerMatch [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WMWqyGhhhHs2YekQf1_dg8kNOH5rrjDECjd8JiDqEhaURGWaIAfiGNb7vVXW3WXSF-pz8VDAeawZnkv20VXmWCfd-n7vjE7ixutxtCHg-4jMIFrqQpJNx88ZB2Lfy_tQOjQEt4VpyS5YzpmagxPksJ-Kk_NvbV-M08=]. Please include '9/11' in the project headline and
> description (and/or keywords). This will ensure that your opportunity will be included
> on the new 911day.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNMYXxE-zR_GfYUtfInwV7PXykdY9pwPlf7h-LZp2s-8E5WHKPkNw2zPJOzpU6vSBq9eL1m3r9m3fq07jVus67mAUZKf7iJ7CM=]site when
> it launches in mid-August. Millions of people are expected to visit the site, and
> we want them to volunteer with you!
> 10 Days Left to Become a Community Action Hero with generationOn
> There are just 10 days left to join the 11,350 kids and teens who have transformed
> into Community Action Heroes! Heroes who have answered the call to join forces to
> do good this summer and are eligible to receive mini-grants, gifts, and special
> edition t-shirts. Kids and teens have until August 20 to become Action Heroes this
> summer. You can do one of generationOn's 80 summer projects or choose to Do Your
> Own Thing to be a hero for: animals, literacy, health, environment, homelessness,
> hunger, military, and emergency prep. http://bit.ly/MCDrNB [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPidhDlBwPXaUJJxp1b9rBywDEVdPffAmIlfhUyqupe4Jd5leSlI0_bOrf4o1UjycIZKBpy1v4W96KCiCxw7mbvQvxTHeLy8rg=]Support the Campaign for a Presidential Youth Council
> In July, U.S. Congressman John B. Larson -- Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus
> and fourth-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives -- introduced H.J.Res 115 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNEe_VQFf9u02r9jv6kAqXBP1fBcrjppSpAzuFSUx8aEfrXzgJPwUrd5PPsrQSvKaHlOGbLhq944lXpJaaE1NexvJrxT5nSvTbSjEd24c9dYQuD9iobfZfX6qwUzTMles-9PCtJ8mJOSg==], a bi-partisan resolution calling for the establishment
> of a Presidential Youth Council. Now we need your help. Ask your Member of Congress
> to sign on as a co-sponsor and show that Representative Larson is not alone in supporting
> the Presidential Youth Council. Take action now and show the President and the nation
> that you support the call for a Presidential Youth Council. http://bit.ly/NmAq1c [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPAn4jVu5L0wRNuHTVVQEJUDe31FDvQAyweAJFo9HRKyH9Ko-fuwC7jGp8I_R-LLZaaIh5cCYYrQQIM-EamKhHDvCIhJoqmShs=]Call for Nominations: Youth Leadership Institute National Youth Ambassadors
> There are over 6.7 million youth in the United States who are disconnected from
> education and employment. Youth Leadership Institute believes that opportunity youth
> who have been disconnected know best the solutions needed. YLI is looking for young
> people, ages 16-24 who have been disconnected and have a personal story to share
> on how they got reconnected, have experience public speaking, are comfortable with
> social media, and have person leadership experience. 25 youth from every region
> in the nation will serve as Youth Ambassadors for the next 12 months in a volunteer
> capacity with a stipend. http://bit.ly/O8Qirw [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WOna84M2h61ezCdjNRN5OwOrXsigH-v95tUElkInPFlgzJhTKZ6YArWZgcli2-3I51hoOGoLNahsge7Gjahcz7MSvoSVlM0aQg=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Grants & Awards
> National Child Awareness Month Youth Ambassador Program
> Organizations in the states listed below are invited to nominate young people, ages
> 16 to 22, for the National Child Awareness Month Youth Ambassador program. The program
> challenges youth to create large-scale service projects, and includes training in
> Washington, D.C.; a $1,000 grant; and ongoing project support. For more information
> or to nominate a young person, visit: www.YSA.org/grants/NCAM [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPI0ZEW_W4a0pkuZ6zBkDPUrke2DvkVshFWnP4_kexqKgdAHXfydLemFPcZ1DUXrRDqg296x9oiWT-QI4weOVu3QhnoZHs98Gf0HJFZyJssD4zjw19BumkG]YSA is seeking applications from young leaders in 12 states to fill open spots for
> the program: Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Michigan,
> New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. If you are interested
> in applying, please e-mail outreach at ysa.org [mailto:outreach at ysa.org?subject=NCAM%20Youth%20Ambassador%20Program&body=My%20name%20is...%0AI%20am%20from%20the%20state%20of...%0AI%20am%20interested%20in%20applying%20for%20the%20NCAM%20Youth%20Ambassador%20program.].
> Gladys Marinelli Coccia Award
> Deadline: September 30
> YSA is accepting nominations for the Gladys Marinelli Coccia Award, recognizing
> two exceptional young people, ages 13 to 22, who are actively engaged in social
> entrepreneurship and in leading sustainable social change. Social entrepreneurs
> apply business practices to achieve positive social change and measure their success
> through their social impact. Two honorees will be selected to receive $2,000 to
> support their social enterprise and receive resources and technical assistance from
> YSA. Nominees must be between the ages 13 and 22 at the time of nomination and be
> located in United States. One of the two honorees will be selected from the Washington,
> D.C. or West Virginia region. www.YSA.org/grants/coccia-awards [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WOxetd92Y7e70M1IXTmovxoU7zq-g3H0O8t6WD4OSQQsOULwH_eNwDqZt6LCANaDFrofecx_gLi2O1f2pMz9xMCCGXn6QEvrpIKPmRE9nRrRMqC-wW5mMxptHvQNnZ3sZs=]Year Up Paid Internship Program
> Deadline: August 31
> Year Up is a one-year, intensive training program that provides low-income young
> adults with a combination of hands-on skill development, college credits, and corporate
> internships. Year Up is currently recruiting for its competitive year-long program,
> which provides youth a paid internship, earning up to $280 per week while learning
> technical, financial, and professional skills. Participants are placed in six-month
> corporate internships with Fortune 500 companies. The program is open to people
> ages 18-24 with a high school diploma or a GED. Year Up sites are located in Atlanta,
> Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, DC, New York City, Providence, Puget Sound, and the
> San Francisco Bay Area. http://bit.ly/MlMwKr [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WMoyurDrTiREfXQaYYLRTk7XxUdEJQr7BRIwPQfnG5BuUR_D1Uh-a84NeCDh40RqcK4CVp0QGMuTs2KlYPOsuxGX1idt4AKv84=]DoSomething.org Seed Grants
> Deadline: Ongoing
> Are you working to start a community action project or program with your friends?
> Do you need money to put your ideas into action? A $500 Do Something Seed Grant
> is given out every week to help young people just like YOU! These grants can be
> used towards project ideas and programs that are just getting started, or to jump-start
> your program and realize your ideas for the first time. These grants can also be
> used towards projects that are already developed and sustainable, towards the next
> steps of your project and organization to help you as you look to expand your project
> and grow your impact. http://bit.ly/PQYfTr [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WOlpTJk8UCwXoPZMAoUhwgga80PGh4e5BBZjKnQ-Jpk7JTO0Eldq6-41zbjymlW3ZNAk-3P7rNwvGYt_O5H531iKXFYlttQVUQ=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Everyday Young Heroes
> Hannah Bosgraaf
> Altamonte, FL
> YSA recognizes 18-year-old Hannah Bosgraaf from Altamonte, Florida, as one of our
> Everyday Young Heroes. Hannah found her calling when she significantly impacted
> the lives of orphaned children in the Ukraine.
> Hannah underwent a humbling and life changing experience after she traveled to the
> Ukraine and spent 10 days at an orphanage in a remote village. At the age of 16,
> she fell in love with the orphaned children who endeared her with their affection,
> spirit, and kindness. In order to continue helping these children, Hannah co-founded
> "Faraway Place," which raised over $15,000 to provide winter garments, shoes, and
> hygiene products for hundreds of children. Hannah hopes that Faraway Place will
> be able to provide a transitional home with vocational and educational training
> for those who age-out of Ukraine's orphanages. Hannah enrolled at Warner University
> in their Transitional Christian Ministry program and accepted an internship at New
> Life Church in Kiev, Ukraine, in order to continue her mission.
> We honor Hannah Bosgraaf as an Everyday Young Hero for her dedication to improve
> the financial, emotional, and social well-being of orphaned children in Ukraine.
> To nominate a young person who has improved their community through service to be
> recognized as an Everyday Young Hero, please visit www.ysa.org/awards/hero.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Resources & Trainings
> Lights On Afterschool Event Planning Guide
> On October 18, more than 1 million people will gather at some 7,500 sites across
> the country and at U.S. military bases worldwide to rally in support of the afterschool
> programs that help working families, keep kids safe and inspire them to learn. The
> Event Planning Guide includes a planning timeline and checklist, event ideas, sample
> materials, and ways to use your Lights On Afterschool event to make afterschool
> an election issue in the weeks leading up to the 2012 elections. http://bit.ly/RjjxEx [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WMh0tGw4_gBo_NNHKoPSNlJb-aInOwcfmjMS3bz2wOpE8scOu5i_lX1nSiqhop24FC20HT5cFidPa4TPigByVMFWpr6OhrD9Uc=]Webinar: generationOn Schools Orientation
> Thursday, August 16 at 4:00pm Eastern
> Get started with generationOn Schools by participating in a free 30-minute Orientation
> webinar. Get an overview of the generationOn Schools program, learn how to access
> teaching resources and become a member of an international community of service-learning
> educators. http://bit.ly/S5LArm [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNrbWQQA3gU29-9Weq6dcNbYfs4YKhfnLXa7mYfEHgWc1yR8Dw4Z6miuAu4-niOeWLmsHUawOUwaqjCH2Wa5DhzlLUX04XOQEQ=]"Youth Civic Engagement Field Internationally: Assessment and Strategic Directions"
> Against the backdrop of growing youth unemployment rates and youth disaffection
> with limited social and civic opportunities worldwide and growing interest in the
> field of youth service, Innovations in Civic Participation - secretariat of IANYS
> - convened a conference in Bellagio, Italy this past March. This conference brought
> together leaders in the field of youth service to reflect on the opportunities and
> needs for global leadership on youth service, as well as to consider how the existing
> IANYS network can be leveraged to help strengthen leadership in the field of youth
> service.
> The details of the conference can be found in this report: http://bit.ly/ME0wdG [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNwwoKP1P5BxzJnf-bz9gN-GGaI-MbQso8Fzzx8CtsS08adj4YBTtjnNnu954DlTW0symGFKrbBD2FyRR2g0rUJZJEAhwAZyus=]Social Media SparkNotes: Quick Tips, Infographics Style
> Craig Van Korlaar, social entrepreneur and founder of Top NonProfits, has provided
> yet another great blog post to geek out on. In this case, it's a "two-fer": social
> media and infographics in one. In this appealing visual that's easily printable
> and sharable, Van Korlaar lays out the ground rules of social media for nonprofits
> for everyone from newbies to seasoned experts. Check out how prominently "understanding
> your audience" is featured. Clearly, it's a critical first step in any successful
> social media strategy, but it's one that's often ignored or glossed-over in guides
> and best practices. Before putting any of great tips to work, it's essential to
> know who you are trying to reach and why. http://bit.ly/PI8J0N [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WO1XNtD7qhH3PenjdCWRavCwEFqYkgYF5PWSrAGIXvpS7_zWHZNJM3Xv6ixfAcHEPYu60EeIFXLJEbN0SWIqUpHwjxYQIETM7Q=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Service Calendars
> Conferences & Events
> International Association
> for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement Conference [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WM1UnGjOm4wamBk1yuYsxJQhIl3T6Qfw0xvthBSPnawLtCubPSDbdSe5TFdrCPE2XnWQ0KUkGwNzBNZlpVOcEqqWM4rN8i0bE3oBh7-K_bVtwzEjTc-TXX0r7ucBtB9lXM=]September 23-25, 2012 - Baltimore, MD
> YSA's Youth Service Institute [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNTRnNdfPhvajSZ1R2ZcMJzJ36iJu8IqdW9nda6SljsvmfmWZmkeESWefSnz8cgi4tjaQkbFGL53gMXdkpsjfcNJgaQ29fAemipTqcUs0aiug==]October 17-19, 2012 - Houston, TX
> Summer Changes
> Everything National Conference [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNqsN-y4ozr8B8u8iR1hRPWm3npw72Su8rC0ZVc_NRmnu9yvx_gx77Qt5I_xogGIdid-HEbi1MDB4TV3TMmLNHR7fHkRiI4Ya0Sa8onLJR6BHjyZt243gG_ILFqskYg-qulVNBv2fezkQ==]October 22-24, 2012 - Pittsburgh, PA
> People to People International Global Youth Forum [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WN4_iiV1N-AB6OcyETziJY3UaR0mvxpWtDOUqvBOxMnjBO5ZrYKfe349bRaMTN5TwBbRVzLcqN6sxVt7-y0_9viZtykFDR0eJ5Aksxq-nDoHfH-WftT8pyr-_PC24baGdims_t-uIKqo3pFknPunKj3MKBP1ml9UMyyTc94Kr5NmO22hOIcXPU-147ddi8GYksFGqDQYpHc8g==]November 7-11, 2012 - Chicago, IL
> 24th
> Annual National Service-Learning Conference [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WP8sqnSeHAXIUsGyWn4gl7ctLbUT8yVQmeZnCRk1dBZbUYTB3GUor6kTwTJ8Di79I0LkLNensSAsLa9dAiguegl9U7uNJTJzR8Mmh6h1EUqKBsGbO6mdeE_M6Fbyq74t6NHbkmiQ5D8_tiLb-xv0OrN]March 13-15, 2013 - Denver, CO
> Seasons of Service
> August 2012
> International Youth Day [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPgPtnbCiMAushm60_FVv8zWb5K3GhkDwvzbdyFw2G1kpxNGsomdZ_lbLWyV56Hdbn9tK4BjmaRPL-67ILlTNI-EPRGJFgZmj9VU9zRzkXaNO2J8BVQLeUaHT2r3mlr64M=]- August 12
> September 2012
> Hunger Action Month [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNTJvyDfkcW2GwxqUtry_CuBJFRKOnc8nivXmMDrqvgW6f8pNbqUsmucm8bq1NHtfL98oxDd5LQSD7O2KKUcoUcYgb0zrMLVcnf3EeyA98zA-suI4b99CsJ]-
> September
> International
> Literacy Day [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WMjFxAU8rfNNPU6EeiOtvNkG3XOwcq1RjJd13heGqcicsRkkC4N4fX-28tsfSHm3f62qCBg_NBSUSNTZS4egb4dXCABLg_opPBQRj5ATiR03ZR8pB_iXBGJ25F7xXHxVXOyAwF2gf4HMbVYp-MaiTXy]- September 8
> National Day of Service and Remembrance [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WNMYXxE-zR_GfYUtfInwV7PXykdY9pwPlf7h-LZp2s-8E5WHKPkNw2zPJOzpU6vSBq9eL1m3r9m3fq07jVus67mAUZKf7iJ7CM=]- September 11
> National Hispanic Heritage
> Month [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WMUlKwHYoz675NBuWgAP4BA9YKGoXll_gdVMUgsQhr92RzOPw-ZGqy0ihYgnnNBq92WnS8Ob6Pkn234WfD_7V2_YKaxH0RkbEL3SGCkC23orBqxmKKjS6Am]- September 15-October 15
> Constitution
> Day [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WMUpENeWsGsCVESaRFPvZ_DJR-uZwfeExs2QQteGIQu95MVucMM9rTedposVB-rS-no89EQz41DdUXE-JhQUw_F0CxfZoruVc9cK8Yczp2jVnCc8VXCLHrl-VIq9ZldpJqWujx2p8_AAw==]- September 17
> International Day of
> Peace [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WMtNo5ph4DcbnUndSByzFroprPyYeN3T9mWKOSTeHlEhHjeroSztA2cjISuVTtipa2ZTJPcSDXUkuuD_pOXrTChn1Bc2IY_QN5NCg0TSyzziaGmMwVb20No]- September 21
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Song of the Week
> Jack Johnson- "Good People"
> "Where'd all the good people go?
> I've been changin' channels...
> I don't see them on the TV shows.
> Where'd all the good people go?
> We got heaps and heaps of what we sow.
> Where'd all the good people go?"
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The Editor
> Mike Minks
> Director of Outreach
> and Innovation
> Editor-in-Chief
> @michaelminks [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Z0xRGaVi7WPm5x0Tdk_LnY_shrbxQUHMoAXj0sn6M573n-ze5r6VOLdu6tdGt7knBL_F9yxJBhXLuOae9wOLOPkJyBBi7lAlKeHnSetYh8iN6juQngksNQ5spVFBx0nAPLtktmY83Ls=]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> Youth Service America | 1101 15th Street NW | Suite 200 | Washington | DC | 20005
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