[Community-service] Americorps Week 2012

Community Service Content cscontentnfb at gmail.com
Wed Feb 29 15:28:18 UTC 2012

(From americorps.gov)

Each year during AmeriCorps Week, we recognize the commitment of
AmeriCorps members and alums by highlighting the extraordinary impact
AmeriCorps makes
across our nation every day. This year, AmeriCorps Week will take
place from Saturday, March 10 through Sunday, March 18, 2012.

The two main goals for AmeriCorps Week 2012 include:

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• Connect AmeriCorps members and alums with each other so they feel
they are a part of a nationwide effort.
• Communicate AmeriCorps’ powerful impact on critical problems and on
the lives of its members and alums.
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The theme this year, AmeriCorps Works, communicates the value and
effectiveness of AmeriCorps while providing flexibility to be used in
many different contexts.
It provides an overarching framework to communicate AmeriCorps triple
bottom line return on investment -- for the recipients of service, the
people who
serve, and the larger community and nation.

Everyday across the nation AmeriCorps members are tackling America's
toughest problems in:

list of 6 items
• Disaster Services
• Economic Opportunity
• Education
• Environmental Stewardship
• Healthy Futures
• Veterans and Military Families
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To show how AmeriCorps works in your community you can:

list of 7 items
• Host a roundtable for influential people in the community.
• Bestow community influentials with the title of Honorary AmeriCorps
Member for a Day.
• Speak to a community group.
• Host an open house.
• Organize a community recognition or appreciation event.
• Create a short-term service project.
• Document your impact.
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Learn how you can highlight your work by using the AmeriCorps Week
Impact Guide.
You can also use social media to share the positive impact that
AmeriCorps has on our communities. Join the conversation on Facebook
and Twitter (@AmeriCorps,
#AmeriCorpsWeek), and don’t forget to use hashtag #americorpsweek.

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