[Community-service] Fwd: National Service Briefing: 6 Months Until Global Youth Service Day

ds94124 at aol.com ds94124 at aol.com
Fri Oct 26 16:05:58 UTC 2012

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> From: YSA <nsbinfo at ysa.org>
> Date: October 25, 2012, 1:30:30 PM PDT
> To: ds94124 at aol.com
> Subject: National Service Briefing: 6 Months Until Global Youth Service Day
> Reply-To: nsbinfo at ysa.org
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> National Service Briefing [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf54Upf_tK2fjhcskeTnGtE3ovRrW65LSur1rsUT2YOwrDyX24HytczffpZN9DQvtaKD_KzVea1dWExd9IYUrN0TfESr0D9utOYKzLDbU67l9A==]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YSA Logo [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf779JaSPtSqjXWsbOCtCMf3-aWnAa6pQ6mkhK0EN8OKiVVfoELnYKVrOUbJOOLl1Futile5VyJj_nnE7WfgohW4IuFN5IlOT_w=]National Service Briefing
> published by Youth Service America
> October 25, 2012
> Volume 19, No. 43
> Circulation: 41,000
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Save The Date To Serve and Celebrate! GYSD is April 26-28, 2013
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Global Youth Service Day [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf65sQly2RpsUdrRtnJXHaOHVehpKU6Xcq6fSMUIfz-bA6Hnb6LhgaewpSmjukN7if05rzqxeW_hkxJJtXAs-8ZQ2pBy5hF7UuM=]starts exactly
> six months from tomorrow! Start planning now to serve and celebrate in your community
> on April 26-28, 2013. A few ways to begin:
> Download [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf6Ik94IJlib34TUhyHrUCrKxwo1vbtLFBmdSn169bZ33QOkNlKr04230vxhvbkGapMUN8OXMsliaFVkWZUHNSKVjL1x1_1v9oOPevpPW18_-lI6YPI34HNmZjAsT4J4upgyXwKV-RhPPKRsKiDGWk4ATd_KXZsiuTZUrVHGJy-RuA==]or order
> free printed copies [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf4xi9gGuEnjZVVH8GJITV6e4rXBhFe1DJ7T2az04fISNcMPxUpb4BWRvDvQNA_ykJ4Yzcv0-nP0yoUyo3aSRzJm79cGv3VqoZ7nw3N_UKK-s7a--nRv0gTIdDzBl_UxiDY=]of YSA's brand new YOUth Changing the World Project Planning Toolkit [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf6Ik94IJlib34TUhyHrUCrKxwo1vbtLFBmdSn169bZ33QOkNlKr04230vxhvbkGapMUN8OXMsliaFVkWZUHNSKVjL1x1_1v9oOPevpPW18_-lI6YPI34HNmZjAsT4J4upgyXwKV-RhPPKRsKiDGWk4ATd_KXZsiuTZUrVHGJy-RuA==]. This resource
> for youth takes you step-by-step through planning your service project, taking 
> action on an issue that's important to you, and discovering your power to change
> the world through service! Access this and many other resources: www.YSA.org/resources [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf6WXJz_eECs_evhIolwy5CX6Z1JsfTugfWehAnQPidnOVNpVv0_ZFjNmZw5DX9HahitXOmB1hPCmryRmK6yfdmH2Mj38wVz48QMzCmF8zK9fg==]Apply for a $500 Sodexo
> Foundation Youth Grant [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf7NtMGM61Jp1IWXNruHKdReb255la6Pkr1NgepACc718pHddR3z27er8fPNnoZ-ytFNOwyD9XcMzVoKNMi4kIYn5HBpp0R_pLsDaz4TvOTAlnjvZEgDEMulKVWXT24XjaY=]to support youth-led Global Youth Service Day projects
> that bring together young people, families, Sodexo employees and other community
> members to address childhood hunger. Apply by January 31. Learn more at www.YSA.org/grants/sodexoyouth [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf5sTLeYTad6d8EH6ce3FV9tCm3zxXe0zE74BRPiHZW0g3L-1k1uCaJIELIrv_lqHwgH9FUMGj_Ix4lPvtA51ioq7pfuH6LUAImNJL2RCWahnflYbk499IT_FZ2DzsrUrCg=]Educators, learn about YSA's Semester
> of Service [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf7KwYBx7JIqqU6N2mAjmmB1tTqRdfmELPcEUgUnWWUYhMTWx1m3466860Ihw4UtX8kxYDomXo5zQYGxhYgkRlOAK69rxb4LRZlKpUwrn48imA==], a 12 to 14 week program of service-learning that includes Global
> Youth Service Day. YSA offers free teacher guides and resources to assist in planning.
> If you're interested in bringing the success of YSA's Semester of Service program
> into your classroom, sign up today at www.YSA.org/semester [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf5-NZAL-_nfBG3Fyn7PMY_-jHdM_EoUL1s9vPMS09GcztOWdBdvtJpJLYQ5lZxVwqLguDTuV4bJvOfq3uXt7lI1Wd4PzaHODn0KagBo3gE0Wg==]Educators who sign up will receive invitations to upcoming free training opportunities
> in Phoenix (November 5), San Francisco (November 14), Chicago (November 16), Orlando
> (November 28) and Washington DC (December 4).
> GYSD 2013 is the 25th anniversary of Global Youth Service Day. Stay tuned for more
> information about special plans for celebrating this milestone GYSD.
> Connect  with YSA Find us on Facebook [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf6PDcoLX8j-AjdBm61KoX8J8ofm-MQvKyNM54PT7psVCtQr8XYdYzoVfMG31-KFyOza7MYtLeNSogC0c4pQZaGRXnUR_1R9ZuNsnV9eTDX4CePVHgPVArV9MLUw8IZuqwY=]Follow us on Twitter [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf4oKuXSzAorq9H9u1NEOFPQKigdRK3_SF3fjLQ_3eh9AAPE40BeOYcDGWugcBLhg75lUYVvVC4dB5D6vxcgzKWe-U3oxGkc2I6PFIo0sKqkMVwhD2qGZWx4x4zeQ3B4Cs8=]View our videos on
> YouTube [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf6DABLR5JsEM3uVYZjg8uD7cKt6c1LbwDMu1nzA0MOx0OkoTQbZJJV00rVK4LswMRHNvJUIagtrQM-LAWOnGmAbbxUnfF1fpa7Acj41hf5mBj7u6P3n9mwa4aOpx-p9TuA=]YSA Funding Partners
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> News From the FielD
> National Service-Learning Conference Early Bird Registration Ends October 31
> This spring, nearly 2,000 students and educators will gather to explore how youth
> - along with educators, policy makers, and community leaders - can make real-world
> change at Without Limits, the 2013 National Service-Learning Conference®, hosted
> by the National Youth Leadership Council in partnership with Earth Force. Join 
> NYLC March 13 - 15, 2013 in Denver, Colorado for the most comprehensive service-learning
> professional development opportunity in the world and the largest gathering of youth
> and practitioners involved in the service-learning movement. The early-bird rate
> is dead and gone after Midnight (CST) on Halloween. Don't make a grave error - 
> register today!www.servicelearningconference.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf7v6j51n3YqkUcZ9UdjEH4_HOB43MiED092PHJjsIwDsbt_fzhgKq52uHPxgADeLo4ljI03m0eyPLbJITXHfpjAyDI7Gi00PFAupbolX8d029ty-0FCFcLrWQwaDjhwYRg=]NSLC Service-Learning Showcase deadline extended!
> Submit an application to display your service-learning project. The service-learning
> showcase highlights high quality service-learning projects from across the country,
> and is an opportunity to connect with people and share how a project was implemented,
> how it was connected to curricular goals, and what made it effective. All applications
> are due November 16, 11:59 p.m. CST. http://bit.ly/LMNJv0 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf7I-cVRgU2-N6tc0SsS8d8BdomUzDDTJDwhffFX8G3pCxAVoY6yOERjl90BxsiTdarY5_eT_qSYqj9z6cWbHI44OMvirGRCfwo=]Make A Difference Day - October 27
> For more than 20 years, USA WEEKEND Magazine and Points of Light have joined together
> to sponsor Make A Difference Day. Make A Difference Day is a celebration of neighbors
> helping neighbors. Volunteers from around the world will unite in a common mission
> to improve the lives of others on Saturday, October 27, 2012. Thousands of projects
> are planned each year; many of the 250 HandsOn Network affiliates lead projects 
> across the nation. The Make A Difference Day Daytabank website enables volunteers
> to search, create and sign-up for volunteer service projects closer to the event.
> http://daytabank.handsonnetwork.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf5qOLnalAYrPtnQi6yioERkugrBmpFFVWGQX7sw697g6EUnN122lkH-rfDcJIy_-PcFuT60wKMK6ir04OPFGNMSOlqh16lXNZFIqwnvxvnTYotawQpc0yt1]Newman's Own supports the day by awarding $10,000 to the charities of each of 10
> National Honorees and three City Awardees.  To be eligible, register your project
> in the Daytabank and submit a report after October 27.
> Also, one American university will be crowned as the 2012 Make A Difference Day 
> College Service Challenge Winner for carrying out the best service project on Make
> A Difference Day. http://bit.ly/TiI1Sz [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf459kbc3bLIdecQGG2k3MpNe9zc0aIPxemkCjl4ubrhnArL112QFUBDB9jhwxe_Un7VJja47DAqynz3Ab0n8L3-GHZvJzUz3-I=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ServiceVote 12 for '12: Engaging Youth in the 2012 Elections Special Series
> With  just 12 days until Election Day, YSA  continues this special 12-part series
> leading up to November 6.
> YSA offers the ServiceVote 12 for '12- twelve ideas 
> of how young people can serve this election season (and  only one of them requires
> you to be 18!) Get all the ideas, related  resources, and let us know how you're
> getting involved at www.YSA.org/ServiceVote [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf4rR4BQGShlouYM9wRRPF6ASAvlhp1nl_qjXG1hTnLtQ64WuEHkuoM7wYTn0SJOJkA_lrFPW4pS_iRoxM_fgkyfOmduYmk4qwY3z_Y9nsYYyULYh-ZMZlk_]Each week until Election Day, we'll feature one way young people can get involved
> during the election, and share partner programs, resources, and events.
> Mobilize.org #MCE2012 Election Twitter Chat
> Are you a Millennial that wants your voice to be heard before the November elections?
> Wondering what civic engagement opportunities are going on in your local community
> for the 2012 election cycle and beyond? Join @mob_org for a Twitter Chat on Millennial
> Civic Engagement on Thursday, November 1st at 8pm ET, lead by our MCE Bloggers! 
> Voice your concerns on the solutions the Millennial Generation are coming up with
> to support elections and discuss new initiatives from our on the ground reporters
> + Mobilize.org bloggers. #MCE2012. Learn more at http://bit.ly/PSIfRm [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf6HUQoAoWQ8tqnv7jcW7IEzM3UZsJFj2GLSFid_TIbhwgxCkwoVywwN-2JNBMUdBTv1pjokajOzTZ3fc_hdXMBN44vvkVmrOs4=]ServiceVote 12 for '12:
> Organize Get Out The Vote activities.
> GOTV - or Get  Out the Vote - is your chance to make sure that people get to the
> polls on  Election Day or submit absentee ballots. By following up with people,
>  knocking on their doors or calling them before and the day of the  election, or
> offering rides or directions to the polls, you greatly  increase the likelihood 
> that people will vote. Even if you can't vote yourself, help remind other people
> about the importance of going to the polls on Election Day! Get resources at www.YSA.org/ServiceVote#7 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf5dFvLrhzisuQiJTyIWmwupZLlVWeQbk0v6zp_xdXJ8NsiUIKozinkLMWFFOhBjCD_DEHqOOFxsGSvm4KxUue4jwFppAs8gAYKS_NmHW2W_coFtSXgiW7RY]My Voice National Student Mock Election
> Almost half of eligible voters do not cast ballots in presidential elections, and
> studies have found that many Americans lack basic knowledge about their elected 
> representatives and how government works. With more than 74 million Americans under
> the age of 18 today, most of these youth will not go to the polls and vote if present
> trends continue. Pearson Foundation's My Voice National Student Mock Election project
> aims to encourage young people to share their opinions and concerns about national
> topics, social issues, education, and their communities. Voting is open October 
> 25 through November 1. www.nationalmockelection.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf50D4fWeEB2XgLVaFRNnrik-fWY8IM4EtA1PRx7nF2x4R2skg9MNlXT3J2OMT3_5c_kLnwldQHLCwpcOFeV8YTBS3wMXNJNHk5P8MI3yHAljSrAlRxa5SWr]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Grants & Awards grantsProject Ignition Grants
> Deadline: November 15
> The National Youth Leadership Council® and State Farm® are pleased to announce the
> availability of $2,000 Project Ignition grants! Public high schools may apply for
> the grants to address teen driver safety through service-learning. Car crashes remain
> the number one cause of death for adolescents. Project Ignition is bringing together
> students, teachers and communities to create change. And they're saving lives. http://bit.ly/pKcD1c [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf5qOLnalAYrPlkp70eJi_tcqrahecZx4rWtjaJ4AVAor1qQRuXsRW33NSjdUG6BbAjMtQJHIRSJ6As9mG_Ue4dmRPyYVXVEXRM=]KaBOOM! Spruce Project Grants
> Deadline: Rolling
> Are you itching to serve? Make a Difference Day is right around the corner on Oct.
> 27.  It's not too late to organize your project and you could be one of 100 projects
> to earn $750 simply by sprucing up a playground for kids! Organize your friends,
> clean up a playground, and you can become eligible for $750, courtesy of Dr Pepper
> Snapple Group. Don't think you can organize in time? Don't worry, these grants are
> available on a rolling bases. The grant is part of the Let's Play initiative to 
> get kids and families active nationwide. http://bit.ly/IIzZfN [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf6oeBThOX_NNnd3Px0z1QMPN5RyfYtyqGn84LkjQO2wXaGbj3XZa8Jet7Virsdu37iqZGifqoq4hxdx02khokkDiHyLTto2Eyk=]Deadline: December 5
> The truth is that many deserving students, who have dedicated a great deal of their
> time to athletics, will not receive athletic scholarships to college. Foot Locker
> and DoSomething.org will be rewarding twenty incoming college freshmen with $20,000
> in scholarship funding for college - not because they scored the most touchdowns,
> but because of their character and commitment to volunteerism. This is the award
> for flexing heart, not muscle. http://bit.ly/Qif9UD [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf7yBwA4uKN7OVAmHL44RruN5xWDjB21MWe4zx9VmHTOGqMY5EUwrZgFyhQ7oBvdie2oHBfQfoE1qD4mXvYv4ms8n3DmjRVC3Xs=]Sodexo Foundation Youth Grants
> Deadline: January 31
> More than 16 million children live in food insecure homes, not always sure where
> their next meal will come from. That's why YSA and Sodexo Foundation are calling
> on young people to "take hunger personally" and join the fight to end childhood 
> hunger. Sodexo Foundation Youth Grants of $500 grants are available for youth-led
> service projects that bring together young people, families, Sodexo employees and
> other community members to address childhood hunger. U.S. young people, ages 5-25,
> are eligible to apply. Projects will take place on or around Global Youth Service
> Day, April 26-28, 2013. www.YSA.org/grants/sodexoyouth [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0015rpJu9PROf5sTLeYTad6d8EH6ce3FV9tCm3zxXe0zE74BRPiHZW0g3L-1k1uCaJIELIrv_lqHwgH9FUMGj_Ix4lPvtA51ioq7pfuH6LUAImNJL2RCWahnflYbk499IT_FZ2DzsrUrCg=]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Everyday Young Heroes
> Moniyka Sachar
> Fremont, CA
> YSA recognizes 16-year-old Moniyka Sachar of Fremont, California, as an Everyday
> Young Hero for her passion and dedication for providing San Francisco Bay Area 
> teens with global health and nutrition resources through her organization, Teens4Teens
> Health Foundation.
> Moniyka's organization, Teens4Teens Health Foundation, gives teens in the San Francisco
> Bay Area access to healthy living resources to include nutrition, exercise, and 
> unique service-learning opportunities. By partnering with her school, local hospitals,
> and the Red Cross, Moniyka and her organization host health fairs and luncheons 
> on Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service and Global Youth Service Day promoting 
> healthy eating and encourage exercise. We are eager to see the extent of Moniyka's
> health and nutrition advocacy and awareness work not only in the San Francisco Bay
> Area, but throughout the state of California.
> For her commitment and dedication to combatting childhood obesity and supporting
> healthy teen eating and exercising, we honor Moniyka as an Everyday Young Hero.
> To nominate a young person who has improved their community through service=
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