[Community-service] Effort = Results, Plain & Simple

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Mon Apr 1 01:55:04 UTC 2013

Hi All,

Just sharing some positive news born from blind & 
disabled volunteers' efforts.

Here in Colorado Springs, a committee of disabled 
people, a majority of whom are blind, have formed 
an independent committee on transit. They've gone 
out and contacted anyone and everyone who might be 
interested in having better public transport (not 
just the disabled). They've gotten stories, 
contact info, and support. Due to this one avenue 
of service, tomorrow night (Monday 4/1), the Mayor 
and much of the community is riding the new 
evening bus service which is starting tomorrow 
night. From Downtown out to a mall, participating 
in a celebration in the food court, then riding 
back to the main transit center downtown. These 
positive-change results and the efforts came from 
the volunteer service of blind and disabled people 
who chose to organize and change things for 
themselves (and others), rather than waiting for 
others to do it for them.

Get out in your community. You most certainly can 
make a positive difference and change the world 
for the better. Laugh in the faces of anyone who 
ever says you can't -- and then walk away and find 
better friends. ;-)

Strive On!

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