[Community-service] Fwd: National Service Briefing: First Lady Michelle Obama is Honorary Chair of GYSD

ds94124 at aol.com ds94124 at aol.com
Fri Mar 29 01:26:31 UTC 2013

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> From: YSA <nsbinfo at ysa.org>
> Date: March 28, 2013, 4:41:01 PM PDT
> To: ds94124 at aol.com
> Subject: National Service Briefing: First Lady Michelle Obama is Honorary Chair of GYSD
> Reply-To: nsbinfo at ysa.org
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> National Service Briefing [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBegxNPGcrh2SqNswdq1f91QmWvDIIuB6BFF9vNAcF7uA0RHgkN97n4V5wG-m3jtKfG8Tz3qhjkT2YyRi567hcAz8lq5x4QkxJv9eFtgNlk92-Wk_OMZpSnjRLiJ26ciBi-RRZXJLJxEMIX24-c7wyKk7e8v1GOqH9d5Dxo9viARJ2ZzpV8pooRSxfopZzrXPh_PspJDzUwSXYqr3hAYICR_I5nTtYQDYSxV2gK3ViarchUqKNBsqz_F]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YSA Logo [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBe3PIFlWcg3jndIFuKGuIlBDnLdqiTMSQHQV6NhZ-OewM0KVJXdR7RNK-E6QYN5Zmzu607R26-QbxqiV7IlkFQ-RHJPwa8a_XXHP_FwzZyHwItgJju_U0BRgzgfj1h7RYWnKfk2hjYyj4LuiqFkg7NacHQyhrBO2rs9vNoNtvWpBCHIAj4mUqnUoNlTqK0_sI1-UtYjsfU0H2TsoDamIc2IIcOV-Vy4YzmEBLE6oC_qcQ1gDFBZll8P]National Service Briefing
> published by Youth Service America
> March 28, 2013
> Volume 20, No. 13
> Circulation: 41,000
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> First Lady Michelle Obama Serves As Honorary Chair of GYSD
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "You have an unprecedented ability to organize and to mobilize to challenge old 
> assumptions, and to bridge old divides, and to find new solutions to our toughest
> problems. Young people around the world must reach out to help others realize their
> talents and make their voices heard."
> - First Lady Michelle Obama
> YSA, on behalf of our partner organizations, and the millions of young people preparing
> for Global Youth Service Day, is thrilled to announce that First Lady Michelle Obama
> is serving as the honorary chair of Global Youth Service Day. She and the entire
> Administration are making young people and national service a priority.
> Mrs. Obama is a role model to so many young people in the United States and around
> the world, and because of her leadership, more children and teens will step up to
> begin a lifetime of service on Global Youth Service Day.
> Help share this exciting news! You can share on Facebook and Twitter from GYSD.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBc7bVsKAZ4TMlZWhL-ld9PkJNpeV0eLeiqbRLCo7XWDjn_lkfD8zJ3vT9031Lz3pZf8MgZ8sTKH8pjKJQizpdiDS2MO2hgcys7oQjhl2zLj6GaJlxz5w7d__FO5aakb5LoBSN-B4CVBLwR1oYGVbPRMNWfZDUppvwW-MXlp3l1RiwfZ7_2rCSXoeejJ9HEgcBR-xvUYjU3srHHwqRfS2aMmqEajFN3asQ9mIEqCoFzNyfxqN2AxKUzgv252gda-Rgol7wC8ozwJSkKa4n0aBtw_MaZyJ4PcZLaHgs8KEKls8ya9aQA6_KnU]using the share buttons
> that look like this:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 10 Ways To Engage Public Officials on Global Youth Service Day
> Engaging public officials is an important part of your GYSD planning! Public officials
> can help raise the visibility of your project and increase your impact.
> Who should you engage? Think local - your city, county, and school district officials.
> What can they do? We've got 10 ideas for how public officials can help serve and
> celebrate on GYSD.
> How should you ask? Find all the tips, tools, and templates you'll need: www.GYSD.org/advocacy [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBcDUY84iVDl8J42TCYYwzNpLp5Ql345Yd9eIV38hLvbZEF817bJB0BcTasIvJShhpg1cktPtVRBfFwD4euavQjxBQ4S0gwdoot5Ir22gZul7rINz6x-LizaH5GWedbllpelyY8bAjWeeS3Cusjm59w4OV6ly7_RRbqCylPMXkz16b5waqixysleyzpQElmgboQxAAo8UVm9SCerjZX-GMmZKrQv7EIdniEPbAsEcLeSErqwgE_MU0fjQqJ8Q8JtgaU=]GYSD Partner Days of Service [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBdTutbVuutyHa10AN1g3zfF1go46vYYx49akUIS7wI5M1FyX9ET91eseNmguPfDwCxKivwzcuDcd3-PYlQzCImaMViuEYkepUv5QaqAO8p7ZOBj7cQTbf8lTaPvxU3s--7CbXWIGztbTUG8QZSLB6Pui8dJP8m17s7CXcFewx7aPewCU9fZRrmrPqWyvN6HVEIQuM0X7Q9AFmmUIW2iB0Ildw-gaZZraKXJLuAgHyqaUVk4_POgbXXIUrqXPHB73BD94CXVB4vEdQ==]:
> National Student Leadership Week
> April 14-20, 2013
> This year's theme is "Student Leaders: Raising the Bar." NASC, NHS, and NJHS encourage
> every student organization, especially student councils and Honor Societies, to 
> engage in activities that help raise the bar where their personal, school, or community
> participation and achievements are concerned. Get suggested activities, an assembly
> planning guide, and other resources at: http://bit.ly/nationalstudentleadershipweek [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBdwVsBofZGRif84k7Z70oJDZctsb5sRGE6ozbudmBie7YvKpMO7iDyUexThhKPRtsZqwe3d3YLpgcoUG73zHYGiANjllUDrEFXSTg-J3NnOJzEkQqabEJayNMUt1GzjJIGkZ8QhwlSO7NqGVwo6xEdzR4W7gPj2V4XZl7BucBWPvfMiNKEcgbHrF9LofvRocxqXBgprqwflXSAc4OwcF6_FWN287XdlX8xoe6Qomjs1rkLPbKxcTLwOOFAPx7-uVWvYDhRhNrv8tN1ASFLrpaxB]GYSD 2013 By the Numbers
> * 604 Projects Registered on the GYSD
> Map [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBcXn3NX8wknbCQkLAE8I8zEDiELVc3flhpmNzgJXTue38E2t9SXI3-TtQaIxRcb1Sp_KtJ7hIhzR_ksCoitRspajg_pGxZVFPvaETw_70sdEWWVrXtiUkN22Xkq7nYy74MxpoxfFKDDnixWFyE4F5kbNm7aIdJXbeD5RPKbi3i4dMR-76duWsoK1yiJRf95pGRdSkIccbbcGtqk1TbIsI5IYb_wF8-FsFtzD2YC0O-vGg74vWiEqz5f]as of March 28
> *48 U.S. States with Projects Registered
> Top States: (1) Minnesota  (2) Virginia
> (3) Texas  (4) Pennsylvania  (5) California
> * 57 Countries with Projects Registered
> Top Countries: (1) Nigeria
> (2 - tie) Cameroon, Uganda
> (3 - tie) Afghanistan, India, Kenya
> GYSD Stories of Service: GYSD on the Silver Screen in Milwaukee & GYSD In Spanish
> (DGVJ)
> The City of Milwaukee, a Global Youth Service Day Lead Agency, is hosting a GYSD
> video contest.  The video contest is for organizations in the Milwaukee area, but
> they are also seeking GYSD videos from all over the world to feature at their Red
> Carpet GYSD event. Learn more and see last year's winning video. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBdciIKKlGfAF0z0V9Yb5BedkmKIg8J0HLaK0TmDAcvKVQ41FAwtcwxMjuSfgB8pps9T5erdYZJFacofFaS5tLRhCOkEOjWESMM3GvjXwlkqryuW6MzTfjaVLvkR1ek54HrSzrd8Pl6nES93Ay3iMM89O9JAgxL9PODurG-IFK2SqlIOx5AUehSCDPFsuHpiNbV5t7TAT3T_zBO6cVacqnJNF-b-_VFXVJTwdhv533lPdq_JE5_ZysvtdXXTuRVAV231c5Q_3PQrH6161YTA8MhwkBkLQjE6w6QhYga61EqjKA==]In 2012, there were 164 GYSD (DGVJ) projects in 15 countries across Latin America
> and the Caribbean. GYSD, which translates into Spanish as Día Global del Voluntariado
> Juvenil (DGVJ), will engage many youth across the region again this year. Hear from
> two youth, Maribel Monroy and Camila Villar Guhl, from Sistemas Humanos about their planned GYSD project in Colombia [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBcvYUBuIhGlz3kExvDkWC3d7GKh-rjpX9bWqGdyGuKFUWvatcSXIDa1MHhRNv3uN3Aa3M6iSk0k4LcfeX7gyUProe0-uxA5UCcM5_v9dim5qxKH8Y5pe-2_TqDcvtiZp94kWfkyJ9CO1DecdpCSAB7-Ks3G0qnUgcvY6Itl8VEqjINVmLGwPAZc4VT2Jzfel5tIxNw8-g6TIy1p35n2fAG4nLWm1lfiomhy2yKKUAO3Aqjl9nLHcXKh].
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> News From The Field
> What Will You Bring To The Table?
> Almost 17 million kids in the United States experience hunger at some point each
> year.
> We can do better.
> You can help.
> Join generationOn's child hunger initiative, What Will You Bring to the Table?. 
> From March 18 to April 30 youth across the country will bring their ideas to the
> table and generate one million meals for children experiencing hunger in America.
> This is a perfect opportunity to increase your impact through Global Youth Service
> Day, especially if your project is hunger-focused. What Will You Bring to the Table?
> features numerous resources including educational materials, project recipes and
> connections to hunger organizations around the nation. www.whatwillyoubringtothetable.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBct1bJtZmdBWSLBouD3Cai0__s4a-Dw6CGCY2Ybq5zHtR6zI38lKW3XvV5M5AThzXLRY306fPTYvWcy6tir_sK41_nMRNUY2W5N4IXiqKINN0GmgtMmFlMPNEsHggx07vksc2aeDthbuIwTfBOYWMvujPcTqR0V9GpyAUuevOW_NuhttAHT4Y-FLWVfYDvbnWpBgJX22XxGwijpz5lO39hAZRMz2yQf5RTXGCVinQXzzkS1ML7EqhCJuLTzvY20yA1YgRBqK1j99sVJdWE0pp89]"I Serve Because..."
> Voices for National Service, ServiceNation, and AmeriCorps Alums have launched  
> the first ever "I Serve Because..." video contest to highlight the  impact that 
> national service has in communities across the country. http://bit.ly/YJQqEj [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBfb22edfYBimPRwUT8sOWr_yDTgKqzZ9bPcOBQyeww5788mFGrlZLDEnn0tIwipLO5E-_U6vCQRcPsdXDr_dzfNpF0Cy0bhHfImsAimrioKNRKf45DhujL8Fv8o5p6Wo0HT_BRFUZ4b4krojCx33BKzOlTNDz9316sRpy02iEvk_ZFU-yh3jvQs1v28egigTqF6UXYup7GyyMGx45J_Sa7O41nsZXJkFjWTR3JLZekQkcDNUy6_tovi]Senator Tom Harkin  [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBf-TTqndTDLb3cfuf25tQsb3YQSuDhqsQ99bQJlFNRFki6Miz4GlVGOu2zhyZsMurY4ya6qOViLqO2rLkb9sATP9Ls-1PJKmFdZVAuwH7nNv29hcKe-Y3ux5miYqYHZUDNh81H2sZLwGsW2O87CmO85vhFrYU6c_k4=]Senator Tom Harkin "I Serve Because..."
> Video Contest Overview
> Bake Sale for No Kid Hungry
> Help bake a difference!
> Join the National Bake Sale Challenge Week (April 25 - May 1) where thousands are
> joining together to host bake sales in their communities to help end childhood hunger
> in America. Hosting a bake sale is a fun and easy way to raise funds to help make
> No Kid Hungry a reality.  The Bake Sale Resource Center has everything you need 
> to have a successful bake sale to end child hunger! Find templates for flyers and
> media alerts, stickers, tips for pricing your baked goods and taking excellent photos
> and much more. Sign up to host a bake sale or find a bake sale at http://bit.ly/15AMdBR [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBdHBBZeLkPW16k83tuQUD969MMom-k_w2y9MAnGcEWu5iLqdIV6bLBmUphAouxwQ9vh366tek3vuMzN6hPktGssz7U9z74r4bTKgzQrUKQMWnw2rn0pf6d_m1pbJWOTqQxT6iw9uRJdb6iDYIi_8jLdLtVYPlCnMm-8NgNf-h0mjDFUyKMwxaYxotSs6MIXJyWVvGf_1xYVPTROzrkuWNrOSg_7b43updhV_MBHAcdo2N_8hhKzNuol]World Merit's Your Big Year
> World Merit Online provides a place for development and collaboration.  It provides
> access to peer networking, training, mentorship, business  capital, and other needed
> resources... and a chance to win a life changing trip around the world!
> 1 Ambassador year-long global journey
> 12 Champions flown to the UK
> 120 speak to people they admire
> 500 featured in their local press
> 50,000 make new global friendships
> 100,000 access a network of emerging leaders
> Your Big Year is more than a global competition. It is pure fun, inspiring and a
> chance to connect with talented and determined peers worldwide. Learn more and 
> enter: http://bit.ly/10lL5yv [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBf8R1lEBZ2Sm-Qu60wj9ujDPRAdoGJh0UvmRg8XCqEiijiZPL9HLG4LfLcxnd6VWAeJv4Xi61NfgTOG16rMzc1EJ_LClmy3ffSOq46nR85mQ6QWZZdHEcXPRR3l-Cfq9sLzTtnflfBfC8eV85sX7K89pZnLakpxMh71lTuqNzKIutrBjaQTlWuNV6yp6gTI8TcllFGzJZl4gG5XBcaH9ahFiZ4QAFSsf65NHnsQRpQh8KddSkylkJvq]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Grants & Awards
> State Farm Youth Advisory Board Service-Learning Grants
> Deadline: May 3
> If you are involved with an organization or school and have a great idea for a service-learning
> project to impact student achievement in YOUR community, apply for a State Farm 
> Youth Advisory Board Service-Learning Grant. The grants range in size from $25,000-$100,000,
> and must address the root cause of one of the following issue areas: access to higher
> education / closing the achievement gap, financial literacy (and economic inclusion),
> community safety and natural disaster preparedness, social health & wellness issues,
> and environmental responsibility. http://bit.ly/XWGHX3 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBdk5VdOkEybHxTgCqTJ-7j_OzEIHH7WxVU6i_Iln-MG3z4HQIEsil2b7MrN2Lkf7xV6gW-BHOP9R6BzSqKQTcQMXEEzVUb9e3nFsxhmo9-DbYcAFOdjH-_ICgGzOirwiebjIz-nV2vULgWVUjTZ39h2wfdTmJhN66KzOrpFzjkDyCc0m51KRGt_rCEBQnjbN-mqFT946uyCZL9q24R1CbWnS3I7PP0LF1f3Qzz9MX4_ICqV81E1sMkd]Amway's Who Cares Challenge: Youth Leadership Contest
> Deadline: June 5
> Amway will honor 10 youth changemakers in the United States and Canada. The contest
> is open to youth ages 13 - 22. Applicants will be narrowed down through public voting
> to a group of 100 entries. Charity partner Free The Children will then select 10
> winners to receive $10,000 each to give to the nonprofit organization of their 
> choice. Five grand prize winners from among those 10 will also receive a trip for
> themselves and a companion to Free The Children's next We Day youth empowerment 
> event in Minnesota on October 8, 2013. http://bit.ly/14zbzSX [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBfalNMN0noAQzlPxOKhE2rDlQRbeEPvKYza9Wgs4iHK3SpRK83Bf3gim8e0TTZwBCaJV19WyMFLsXn-W7Xr-QGqRAoXHruUlhH3nw0H0zaCYV1diko3Tm_uWVfaPTjbatLl6i6MpxnHUvIgkRlDJfF4ZsigaML8QhI7irT7DlYj9o8ZY310dE8jxJ9H_iY85oUZizE9GTm-66wwOrZ6270Lry_a9uFEToBc4y3Dsdp9fc_LSuGcmDt2]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Everyday Young Heroes
> Andi Kezh
> Decatur, GA
> YSA recognizes eleven-year-old Andi Kezh from Decatur, Georgia as an Everyday Young
> Hero for her commitment to raising awareness about children with cleft lips and 
> palates.
> After enduring ten surgeries throughout her young life, Andi was inspired to help
> other children who are born with a cleft lip or palate. Through social media sites
> such as Twitter and Facebook, she shared her own story of endless reconstructive
> surgeries and episodes of bullying, and then asked for help to raise funds for 
> those with great need around the world. After surpassing her original goal of $250
> in order to fund one surgery in just a couple of days, she has now raised over $15,000
> to fund reconstructive surgeries for 61 children around the world. With over 4,000
> followers on Facebook, Andi uses this platform to give a face to the issue by encouraging
> others to be kind to those with differences, so that others don't have to endure
> the bullying that she has experienced. Andi's goal is to raise enough money so 
> that every child is able to get the surgeries they need to be able to eat, drink,
> breathe correctly, and attend school.
> For her relentless and selfless commitment to children born with cleft lips and 
> palates, we honor Andi Kezh as an Everyday Young Hero. For more information, follow
> @AndiKezh [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBcILvgxK4OBPlSXIOh0DexTS3hv0GVJ-IV462GtUqNxofyCIEF4_SFR3HSH1DHAfnCiA-dX-y6oU9tCrwZ_YjP0DpecUQHh1Wr-YfHtBobnRw==].
> To nominate a young person who has improved their community through service to be
> recognized as an Everyday Young Hero, please visit www.ysa.org/awards/hero.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Resources & Trainings
> New CIRCLE Working Paper Examines Civics, Digital Badges and Alternative Assessments
> This working paper also considers ePortfolios, rubrics, games, simulations, and 
> other assessment and learning tools that might expand options for those committed
> to improving civic education. http://bit.ly/10VUejJ [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBeKz01n979okOVXyqbEOIWQDu9GNuDOtpNQaNnq5zivdb17o-D-cF21ZZNr6MtvxQ6nbAsFNOXI6vqz76_pP0AzTW72b3NSj6bBiM1Nka3JOb4E0k4R-6cDjG1rdMOD1Y0sGEI3FR7WbkyRqOBXULr7x9Lwo3Lc6j1fm0Zfe6XZ65OqcaAjblHLGOO0HSmGErhTXWPJpJDXv-9livcZYHaREKz8-VzcvvXNsgaomWbO3y9iBdDSyLwo]New Value of Volunteer Time
> The 2012 value of volunteer time is $22.14/hour, a 35-cent increase from 2011. State-by-state
> figures for the value of volunteer time are also available on the IS website. The
> value of volunteer time provides one way to measure the impact millions of individuals
> make with each hour they dedicate to make a difference. http://bit.ly/160zMgY [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001k3PI7i0AHBewZHsbh6VF7fo4Qs7A3VoqW8Mszn5gM7rsrRSqLzF0Fz86ISFRRQypDezaeLRdw6scQWlOjSE5r07gBVOTu3Hi1mYtltKuy5hVKpfFeMH_xOeaHwALkKGqS6SPjUgnZy7yJDSwgS34o
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